View Full Version : Feel like im crackin up

15-11-08, 12:11
Ive done so well over the past couple of weeks ive not even thought about having a panic attack, normally come 6pm my anxietys on the roof and i cant focus all night. But ive got on with things lately and really thought id got on top of it all.
Ive just been walking back from the shops and i started to feel really itchy inside and agitated, then i came home and everything felt really big and unreal, im sat here now convinced theirs something wrong with me because ive never had these symptoms before its come back in a completely different way i feel that agitated and on edge i keep trying to cry but i cant. Please someone tell me this is panic and they have had this i want to come out of it again im on my own with my children and feel really scared.

15-11-08, 12:21
Hi Sonya

Youre lucky you can get out the house, I can't lo.

Anyways, have you got any medication for anxiety? It was probably the stress and worry of bustling around busy shops with the children etc. and the noise. I can't go near a supermarket. Also the weathers quite mild did you have too thick a coat on or something.

Have a cup of tea and a lie down if you can.

Love Rosy

15-11-08, 12:30
I dont think it was anything to do with shopping it usually calms me down and takes my mind off things when i go out, my mind have been really working overtime this week ive had a miscarriage and when i read about baby p i was in tears i think its all just crept up on me.
Ive just taken a couple of Kalms they might not work but normally they bring me down to a copeable level! Im so upset i was doing so well i just wanna be normal i cant remember what that feels like :weep: