View Full Version : HA sufferer with underarm aches - glands, muscular?

15-11-08, 12:59
HI all

I'm new here but not new to health anxiety - I have been suffering the last 5 years with HA particularly badly.

I've been getting very anxious the last week about aching underarms. It has been the week before my period and I got the usual breast pain too, but that arrived this morning and the breast pain left and I still have this underarm ache. The ache is not distinct and sometimes radiates into the breast area. I am worried that it is swollen lymph nodes and hence that i have the dreaded breast cancer.I felt under my arms and outer breast - no large lumps though if I dig my fingers into my armpits there are what might be tiny lymph node nodules but very small. Ca amyone with out breast pain tell me if they can also feel these please and if they are normal.

I'm going to see my GP on Monday but if anyone has any positive words of wisdom before then as it's only Sat, I'd be so grateful as i am so so scared. I'm going crazy worrying about this - I feel totally sick.

I've done CBT course in the past but I just can't get my head into it right now.

15-11-08, 18:05
Heya, you might have just seem my post about swollen lumps in armpit. I am 31 weeks pregnant and convinced i have breast cancer or lymphoma as i had a lump in my armpit and shooting pains in my breast. Panicked and cried myself to sleep for a few days and went to the docs who said its nothing at all its not even a lump its just a normal armpit. The shooting pain was probably hormone related so i would say yours is too. I hve learnt that armpits are lumpy old things and mine are not symetrical either. I would go to the docs to put your mind at rest them forget about it like me. If you had anything nasty all your glands would be up


16-11-08, 18:47
Thanks so much for replying. This is the pits - quite literally!

I have it under both arms and no lumps that i can feel so I'm trying to convince myself I have pulled something. If my glands were up, surely I would feel hem? It sounds like what you felt was what i can feel if I really dig my fingers in. I've spent much of today with a hot water bottle under each arm - I look like somebody's horoscope sign!

26-02-09, 05:24
Hi! Oh my! Im sooo glad i found this..Im a paranoid freak and constantly think i have cancer but refuse to see the doctor..it seems liek everytime someone goes to the doctor and finds something out they get sick faster! Ive been having pains uner my arm and am trying to convince myself its cuz my pillow is flat and causing pains,or maybe i pulled it! im 20 yrs old and my mom thinks im crazy..im also pregnant aty 20weeks. But still it worries me to the point of sickness..i have felt for lumps in my armpit and surrounding areas plus my breast but havent found anything..im scared its my lymphnodes. I also dig my fingers into my armpits struggling/dreadong finding something which i also have come to teh conclusion that my digging everyday/all day would also cause pain from pressing lol..i hope its in our heads..acually im kinda thinking it is..its just scary to think what if its not!

26-02-09, 09:10
Hi ya 2 years ago i thought i found a lump in my armpit and worried for 4 days before i went docs and in them 4 days i constantly got pain in my armpit, turns out it wasn't a lump just a normal armpit!! now and again i sometimes still get it but i put it down to anxiety and my constant fear of the big C x