View Full Version : Worn out after event!!

15-11-08, 14:04
Hi Everyone,
It is a while since i posted but just wondered if anyone feels the same as me. I have suffered with HA for 14 months now---and GAD all my life i think!!!!!!
Anyhow, I have been having CBT since September and it is definately helping. I am not poking and prodding 24/7 anymore and I am now starting to realise that the doctors are maybe right :)
I have started trying to challenge myself to do things. Things that before i would have thought OMG I dont want to do that and just not done it.
An example being going out for a meal with my family the other week. Usually i say i am not going in case i am ill on the day or feel ill when i am there etc etc but i just did it and enjoyed it!!!
Anyhow, yesterday i had my parents over for the afternoon. As i explained when i first came on these boards, i hadnt seen my parents for 10 years til last December. They got back in touch and the rest is history!!I am finding it very very difficult having a relationship with them, as you will appreciate, but i am trying my best to do it to please them and cos i realise being the age they are(late 70s) I might not have long left with them!!
They stayed a few hours and then we took them home(they dont have a car now so OH picked them up in the next town to us off the bus after he finished work). We then stayed for tea with them and got home about 7. The round trip is about 60 miles so not too bad.
I actually felt ok yesterday but today the whole thing has left me feeling shattered. Can anyone tell me does this happen to them? The family meal the other week left me the same!! I am ok on the day---albeit feeling stressed out ---but the next morning i wake up feeling drained.
Is this part of HA ???
Many thanks for any advice xxx

15-11-08, 23:08
Phew sounds like you had a busy day! It is no surprise that you are drained today.

I think HA can have some cause in this, as being anxious/stressed about the event is going to tire you out! But also I think it is normal to be knackered after a hectic day. Get some rest and treat yourself for doing so well with completing your challenges.

Take care