View Full Version : How best to releive Chest pains and numbness in arm?

15-11-08, 15:49

The main issue im having with my anxiety problem at the moment is the racing heart, pain in chest and numbness in left arm. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips to releive this. I have tried the breathing exercises but so far they have not worked for me. I may be fueling it more as i am very worried about having a heart attack.



15-11-08, 15:58
Hi love

Kenboo have you had it checked, been to hospital? This is 100% the best cure hun as it will relieve & reassure u more than anything ...
Always get chest pain chest xxx

15-11-08, 16:24
this mite sound stupid ken but what are the chest pains like and where are they exactly

Twin Galaxies
15-11-08, 16:52
have you ever tryed beta blockers?

15-11-08, 17:00
Thanks for the replies

I have been on a heart monitor before and nothing came back. Is that an ecg? Pains are around my heart area, i'v had them since i stated with this disorder but they come and go. But just recently they have been very bad and i have had alot of tingleing in my arm.



15-11-08, 17:28
yeah thats an ecg .sounds similar to what i have on and off only my arm is more of a ache

15-11-08, 17:28
also in the dr weekes book it says a diseased heart will not pain you

15-11-08, 18:40
Cheers smiths :)

Yeah its an achy feeling :( and sometimes pins and needles in my hand althought my breathing seems fine? Had it a few months on and off, but the last few days thats been the main symptom :( Just wondering if there were any other techniques i could try to overcome it.



15-11-08, 18:49
i havent found anyway to make it go ken

31-12-08, 20:18
Try distraction- put on a funny film or comedy of some sort, takes your mind off it and then you can't even remember when you stopped worrying. Or positive thoughts- think about something happy and concentrate on this. A few nights ago i just turned tv off n was going to go to sleep n my heart was beating very fast and i was really scared. After about 10-15 mins it was still happening and although i realised it was my anxiety i was still scared. I thought of positive/funny things and my mind started to wander and then i found that when i didn't think about it i felt fine.
Hope you're feeling better :)

Phil H
31-12-08, 21:03
I will say this again..before i was told it would add to there worry which is total stupidity...get a blood pressure machine....infact go to the docs first and get a reading so you know what a safe reading is..then when you start worrying take the pressure and see its NOT a heart attack...works for me and i am completely disabled and if i had that angle it would be a fate worse than death....i just wish i could find a way to stop the nausea although them mottilium are looking the answer please pray for me..lol

31-12-08, 21:43

The main issue im having with my anxiety problem at the moment is the racing heart, pain in chest and numbness in left arm. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips to releive this. I have tried the breathing exercises but so far they have not worked for me. I may be fueling it more as i am very worried about having a heart attack.



Hi, Ken:)

First of all, I would take the suggestion of another poster in this thread to go see your dr (if you haven't already) and calm your fear of a heart attack.

Secondly, I'm starting to firmly believe that the pain we sufferers feel in our chests and arms are due to tension from panic attacks. If you really pay attention to how much we tense our muscles during an attack or even during bouts of anxiety, it would amaze you. When we tense our muscles up it can cause swelling of tissue which in turn can cause nerves to be affected (hence the shooting pains). There's been times when I've felt like you and I made myself lie on my back with a pillow under my neck and stretch the neck muscles. Then I have my hubby rub my shoulders and down the middle of my back. More often than not it relieves the chest pains and the arm pains...even the tingling and such. I know when I'm panicking I bunch my neck and shoulders up and after the attack has passed I can FEEL the pain going down my neck to my shoulders to my arms and my chest. I know it's so hard to concentrate on what's good for us during an attack.

Good luck hon!


01-01-09, 11:22
Hi Ken,
I know what you are talking about, in recent weeks as my medication has cured my PA it has not done much for my Anxiety and i've been having chest pains on the left side of my chest and pain in my arm, with a distinct lack of sensation. I have come to understand that it is probably tension, i wonder - do you take exercise? Imagine that as you exercise your muscles expand and flex, your heart will do the same, it will open up your arteries and help relieve tension. It will also give you a good dose of endorphines, your bodies most wonderful and natural stress cure!
I believe some light exercise will help, i also personally find that Lavender helps me relax, as soon as i smell lavender i instantly begin to calm.
I am but one person, but my new years resolution is to join a beginners running club, take some exercise in a social environment that should keep me going back, and with road running plenty of fresh air that i like for dealing with the anxiety!

01-01-09, 11:38
Firstly happy new year too all :winks:

I'v not been getting this as often for a while now :) In fact i feel a whole lot better in myself at the moment. I'v been getting out a bit more although, i still can not do supermarkets or town. Main symptom at the moment is i just can not get warm. I still get chest palps every now and then, but now i just get up and do something. I have actually got a BP reader at home, but i was told by my councillor not to use it as long term it will make my health anxiety worse. But i must admit i do use it when i start to feel spaced out.

Thanks for the replies and all the best to everyone on the NMP Forums. And thankyou for all the replies from people on here from last year. You helped me throught some really bad times.

All the best for 2009!
