View Full Version : Is anyone else sick of this loop?

15-11-08, 18:01
Hello, a few of you know that since becoming pregnant i have suffered with Health Anxiety. I have had all the usual scares cancer of every part of my body and a good few months ( Ongoing ) convinced i have HIV. I have been to the doctors every week for the past 3 months and everyone is sick of me. The receptionist at the docs know my voice!! Ok, so my latest scare was a 'enlarged' gland under my arm pit, combine that with the night sweats that i have been having and i am convinced i have lymphoma due to my googling. Went to the doctors yesterday and he checked out my lump and said its not even enlarged just my head playing tricks and there is definitly no chance of cancer, appparently night sweats are a big pregnancy symptom. Ok i go away feeling much better, he is a lovely doctor and understands my fears. I wake up this morning and still feel good until i brush my teeth and notice i have yet another ulcer on the side of my tongue, i google it ( even though i have been down this road before) and it turns out i probably have cancer. I try and calm down and remember that i have been to the docs and just had a full blood count and i am fine. I go to the hair dressers and catch the sight of my lip, which has a raised section on which is white, again i think about month ago when i cried my eyes out to the doctor over this exact raised white lump. He checked it on 2 seperate occasions and said its definitly not cancer and if anything a molecule ( spelling ) cyst which is pregnancy related. Sorry for the rant but it seems i have to worry about something, i have worried myself sick time after time about these minor issues on my body and the moment i get the ok from my doc its almost like my head goes right what shall we worry about now. I have had an ulcer every week for the past couple of months and the doc said if anything its pregnancy and stress but i think its HIV ( which i have had the test for and it was negative - not that i beleive it ) i am sick of this. :wacko: thanks for listening. I just wonder if everyone elses brain works like this


15-11-08, 19:32
Health anxiety is horrible - what you are describing is almost text book and we all do this all the time. What really bugs me is people think that health anxiety is about making up symptoms or imagining them BUT we have symptoms its just our interpretation of them thats different. You have ulcers and sore armpits - but in anyone without health anxiety they would just ignore them maybe for weeks and weeks before going to Dr's and then not be worried. Whereas we with HA - immediately think of the worst case scenario.

Interesting thing to do is one week every day write down what you are worried about symptom wise. e.g. headache / scared its a brain tumour or whatever and at end of week you will be so embarrased at all the fatal diseases you have imagined. Thats health anxiety!

16-11-08, 09:59
Thanks Country Girl, im just so sick of worrying about things. My partner hasnt been to the doctors in 6 years!! he had a mole on his and that just appeared i was worried sick for him and he didnt even bat an eye lid lol. I want to be like that again. I have another ulcer today and im fighting the urge to google it as i know it will say you could have hiv or cancer. O well 8 weeks till my baby is born then doc said i should return to the way i was ( i doubt it ) :)
