View Full Version : suicidal thoughts??

15-11-08, 19:03
hi have bn taking cital for only 3 days...

wondered if anyone had experienced suicidal thoughts? and if they still continued with pills and thoughts went away eventually?

i have had the thoughts before the pills, just wondering what would happen if i wasnt here etc..yesterday i had them and they terrified me, today i had them but i wasnt scared (when u think about it thats quite scary)...

i kind of thought about what if i took loads of pillsthat it wouldnt kill me...it was like i was not thinking straight..like thinking if i did overdose i would never die..if thar makes sense? its like im so tired i cant think straight and cant see that actually i could prob die if i did that

pls help.

15-11-08, 20:10
I had those thoughts and still do I have been on them for 6 weeks but just upped my dose to 40 mg 10 days ago so side effects back a little. Hope it goes quickly for you they are horrid. X

15-11-08, 22:21
I had suicidal thoughts but I put that down to how depressed I was. Once the citalopram kicked in they went away. I am so glad I am still here.
It will get easier just try and focus on that it would be unpleasant and distressing for the person that found you and make sure you don't stock pile you medication.


17-11-08, 16:45
Hi, I have been taking Citalopram 10mg for 5 weeks. At first I didnt really get many side effects. Now though I am always really nauseous and I get terrible migraines. The other day I thought to myself if we had enough paracetamol in.... I have no idea why I had these tohughs because as far as I was concerned I had had a pretty good day. Nothing had triggered these thoughs so it is quite worrying. I was wondering if the citalopram maybe werent working, as my dr said they can take 6-8 weeks, I just dont want these suicidal thoughts getting worse before he will think about changing my meds. What do you think?

17-11-08, 17:59
Hi People

Concerning the last post, 10mg is a very small dose and I think it wont help much. As for the suicidal thoughts are you sure they were not there before? These thoughts are usually the result of anxiety/panic and or depression.
Try not to blame the tablets for any symptoms that you feel. I have been on Citalopram for over a year and apart from a few side effects in the first few days they worked great for me. My dose was 20mg then 30mg then 40mg. I am now on ten and dont need them but decided to stick with ten for a while.

Best regards


17-11-08, 22:12
Hi Laura, I could have written your post myself a few months back. After battling anxiety for 6 months (on my own) I started to become depressed. One day i was sat playing with my 2 year old son when I got this thought. It wasnt a suicidal thought exactly, i didnt think 'I feel like killing myself'. The thought was more like 'ooh, i feel so bad that I may want to take my life, I may not be able to take any more of this.........soon! One day!!' I was so shocked and frightened by this thought that I phoned my auntie straight away and confesses these thoughts. She came round straight away and thankfully, she made me an appointment with my G.P. This was the turning point in my recovery. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression (this was the hard part over), I was put on medication but still had these feelings of 'what if?'. I do not think it was the medication as it couldnt have worked through my system this quickly (but at the time I thought it was and I insisted my G.P change my meds) it takes around 5 weeks for meds to start taking effect. Eventually after a month or so, I stopped having these scarey thoughts (thank god).
I really sympathise with you as these thoughts are so out of our control and can be so frightening. Aslong as you take action about these thoughts and feelings and seek the necessary help then you can overcome this.
My psychiatrist recently reassurred me that just because we have these thoughts it does not suggest that we contemplated suicide, it simply means that we are warning ourselves that all is not right with our minds and we need support to put this right.

I hope you start to put these feelings in the past and I wish you a brighter and happier future. It is possible!

Take care. x

P.S feel free to PM me any time x :hugs: