View Full Version : Weird feeling in my head!

15-11-08, 19:39
Hiya all!

Hope you're all okay! :)

I keep getting this weird kinda feeling. It happens about 4-5 times a day, mainly in the evenings. My head suddenly feels as though it has been dropped suddenly, like a sudden drop in a lift or something like that. Sorry, cant explain it properly. It startles me but other than that i'm fine. It is really frightening me, and I am constantly anxious now waiting for it to happen.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance! xx
Loopy xxx

15-11-08, 20:11
Hi Loopyloo - are you on any meds as sometimes that can be a side effect or a symptom of withdrawal -

15-11-08, 20:27
I sometimes get this too and i cannot decide wether it is brief drop in blood pressure or anxiety reminding me it is still there.
It is worth mentioning this to your doctor (as i also should do) and ask him to check your bp.

15-11-08, 20:31
No, not on any meds, and my BP is fine (got a home reader!)

15-11-08, 21:49
is it dizzyness maybe? i know my head sometimes feels really heavy, hmm I guess if you get it alot you could always ask a doctor about it

24-11-08, 02:44
What u are describing sounds exactly like me i get it alot throughout the day and only if im standing up or walking, it is also accompanied by a feeling of being unbalanced have no idea wat causes it though!

24-11-08, 11:17
i have had the feeling that i have nodded off or blacked out for a second and i bring my head up with such a rush i feel VERY VERY sick.

Another description is - if i bent down and as i was getting up i banged my head on a cupboard - my brain would be knocked to the other side of my head.
When this sensation (i hope that's all it is) happens and all i am doing is knitting and watching TV it is so frightening that i rush upstairs to the bathroom in case i get sick and panic badly - i am terrified.
my doc just says she is sure it is nothing to worry about because it lasts such a short time

26-11-08, 19:15

I was diagnosed with severe depression about 2 months ago. started on 20mg Citalopram but then i started getting real bad panic attacks out the blue so my GP put me up to 40mg.
I was at my parents house and the "twitching" (rubbing feet together, tapping, twitchy fingers, messing with buttons etc) got so bad that i was doing it in my sleep and i basically had some sort of fit.
My dad insisted i go cold turkey, which i did, and then the 2 days after i was "OK", but then days 3&4, slurred speech, talking jibberish, by the end of the week I felt the best i had for ages. like the pills were holding me back, Now im nearly 2 weeks since i stopped taking and i have awful dizzy spells in my head, like im drunk? or Stood up to quick. I get pins and needles and ive had bad "guts" hope it passes, but by the by, i feel so much better IN MY MIND for NOT taking them I feel in control of my own thoughts, and to the pleasure of my husband, I now have my "libido" :blush: back !!
He says he doesnt have a degree but he thinks horizontall jogging is the best medicine and i agree. :yesyes:
im 27 and a mother of a 2 yr old daughter, married for one year and a manager of a 24 breakdown call centre. My life has been a whirlwind but now I am focusing on the important things, Hugs, long walks, laughing, spending time with people i love.

Good Luck everyone.

Depression is the broken limb that no one can see, x:bighug1:

27-11-08, 09:47
:yesyes: :yesyes:

:hugs: :hugs: sounds like you found the magic potion:yesyes:
Best of luck