View Full Version : ESSEX

16-11-08, 09:19
Does anyone actually want to have a meet up in this sunny part of the world or is the idea more appealing than the actually making it happen.

christmas round the corner be good to have it before so we can go into 09 and maybe foundations laid for more regular things.

obviously essex isnt so small that i could name a pub and everyone local would be there so maybes somewhere handy for trains and pretty central.

if you state your location we can get a more general idea of where to head for.



16-11-08, 09:21
I'm in Essex, but its too far for my little agoraphobic brain to travel to Wickford.

16-11-08, 09:29
belle thats a shame would of been good to meet you-i have seen some of your youtube things.
totally understand thou.
even if i said we would bring the meet to your back garden how hard it would be. i suffer with social anxiety so this is a big deal for me as well-a combination of dutch courage and the likes will probs get me there.

take care

16-11-08, 12:20
Hi Pete, Just joined. I'm in Southend and would probably like any sort of meeting you can encourage. I'm not (generally) an SA sufferer so its easier for me. With me (after recent reading) I think its GAD with some phobic behavours thrown in.

20-11-08, 19:37
2 replys...ah well i tried. seems like people in essex just dont want to interact.

20-11-08, 22:50
I'm in Essex too, in Benfleet. Wouldn't mind meeting but I do get very shy & have a bad habit of wimping out of meets at the last mo

02-01-09, 15:32
I live in Southend On Sea Also, Well Westcliff On Sea but I say Southend as no one know Westcliff.

02-01-09, 16:39
I love in Chelmsford. Legally Blonde, I have heard of Westcliff xx

13-01-09, 09:24
I live in Southend On Sea Also, Well Westcliff On Sea but I say Southend as no one know Westcliff.

westcliff is the posh end of southend! least you have a decent theatre pavallion,seems to be always something good on there.

maybe we can all sort something out for summer in southend,i did something like it a few years ago with social-anxiety site.we met up at the last post pub.

actually im in southend on weds to watch my beloved chelsea no doubt get a thrashing by the shrimpers:blush: ...off topic now !

05-03-09, 22:02
i am also chelmsford, hope you havn't already had the meet.

06-03-09, 17:14

I'm in Colchester. Just thought I'd tell you. The others all seem to be more Southend area.

06-03-09, 18:06
I'm Chelmsford but I'm a little bit shy (phobic)

06-03-09, 18:14

I'm from Witham I would like to come if anyone is having one.


06-03-09, 18:22
Still in Essex :)

08-03-09, 08:28
I am still in Chelmsford lol

08-03-09, 11:05
i'm from chelmsford, :D

09-03-09, 21:41
Im in chadwell heath.:)

09-03-09, 21:46

That's where I used to live. Nice there innit lol.

10-03-09, 17:16
I'm westcliff-On-Sea :)

10-03-09, 21:24
i'd be up for a meet in chelmsford providing people don't mind talking to a health anxious 19 year old.

13-03-09, 16:40

18-03-09, 19:18
hey there, dont know if i am to late also ,just joined so i am a newbie, but i am epping way,happy to meet people who are suffering just like myself as i thought i was the only one,weather is warming up a bit now, so would be good to maybe arrange something, look forward to hearing from others in essex.

19-03-09, 09:25
welcome hampton girl,yup im not far from you,i spend time between wickford and my old haunts in harlow-trouble is people are finding essex is quite large and we cant seem to agree a meet point..hence i doubt much will come of this thread-even if it is 99 n the shade:shades:

take care

19-03-09, 12:27
hey pete 69,ha ha ha,love the sense of humour,enjoy a good laugh, anyway thanks for messaging me, i think it is a real shame that nothing is gonna come of this meet,as it would be great to actually meet others who all share the same condition, and would probably benefit us all by maybe helping each other,and also becoming good friends.there must be more than you and i that is up for a meet surely, i am not very good at organising things, but if yor still willing to try and make it happen, i will back you all the way,anyway you take care and hopefully hear back from you soon.

19-03-09, 12:31
Am partly based in Colchester....a meet up somewhere would be good, trouble essex is big! Other than chelmsford i dont know where any of the other places mentioned are even though they are probably right close to me!:blush:

19-03-09, 15:56
hey cjh86,nice to hear from you, i think the idea of a meet is a great idea, i hav heard of all these parts of essex, but not sure were they are in essex, i know colchester is a bit of a distance from me, but i do have a car and i would be willing to drive were ever the meet is as i feel i could probably benefit from meeting others like myself, and if not it is always nice to meet new people anyway, i do appreciate sum of us suffer wiv agorophobia, i did myself for 6 years, there got to be a way around it to be able to meet up,it is just a case of a few people willing to put there heads together and coming up wiv a soution,anyone out ther got any ideas,anyway hope to hear back from you, take care.

19-03-09, 16:44
chelmsford is quite central,but if you live in colchester its a long way to get to.also if we were to have a few shandys we would want train access or bus.
wickford to chelmsford is easy by bus. not sure epping to chelmsford.
i know by car its easy enough-depends if you rely on alcohol for your socialising!

hamptongirl i will meet you in the george n dragon in epping-few beers then a kebab-sounds like a plan! alas i think it not wise to meet peeps alone....

chelmsford -wetherspoons...anyone up for it?
post here

19-03-09, 16:54
I live in Chelmsford and would love a met up xxx

19-03-09, 16:55
weatherspoons sounds good to me !!!

19-03-09, 18:44
Chelmsfords not too bad from colchester...about 20 mins by train i think

19-03-09, 19:49
blimey i see progress-i need a cold one!
next i guess we need to sort out a date.
hamptongirl over to you ;=)

20-03-09, 14:07
well wether i need dutch courage or not,my panic attacks saw any alchochol enjoyment off that i ever had,so unfortunately i am teetotal wether i like it or not, but my only downfall is that i use my hubbie as my dutch courage, i drag him along to everything and everywhere i go, so if no one minds i wud cum to the pub but hubby wud be in tow.x

20-03-09, 14:34
yup panic attacks and alcohol dont mix huh. you need to be in control and alcohol can make em worse-i guess im lucky that social anxiety is lessened somewhat by the liquid-althou i dont recommend a daily diet!

im sure no one minds who you bring-we just need to sort out this chelsmford
thing.if we say wetherspoons and then argue over a date-hows that sound?


20-03-09, 16:25
I'll just sit in my house and raise a glass to all you non-agoraphobics having fun....lol!

20-03-09, 17:53
hey belle, you have my deepest sympathy and i feel really bad for you, as i was agorophobic for 6yrs, never leaving my house,do you manage to leave your house or not? if so maybe we can work around it sum how.x

20-03-09, 18:02
hey everybody in essex who is up for a meet in chelmsford,before making a date to meet, maybe people can let us know wat days and dates they cant make and maybe take it from there, i feel it will be easier that way and maybe get a good idea how many of you would be up for it,unless anyone has any better ideas,feel free to jump in and let everone know.x

20-03-09, 22:53
My schedule's too random to pick any days, but I would quite like to tag along.

Assuming i can make the final date I'd be going from the Southend area if anyone needed a lift.

On the hubby thing - I wouldn't think it much of a problem, although it might make some more selfconscious if we all got into a lot of sharing rather than being. One upside of a group (I find) is that you know everyone else is as "abnormal/bothered/whatever" as you even if its in a very different way so there can be a greater comraderie through that. But if he gets you there that's more important I think.

PS: To our Essex Agoraphobic's - is there anything we could do to involve or support you guys too? It seems crazy that typing is our only way to support you.

21-03-09, 11:36
i understand your feelings about other halfs as they dont suffer so much-and when its anxous peeps alone we can maybe not feel we are being judged.
but i dont think we can exclude anyone because they need help getting there-im sure you didnt mean it that way.
i have been to a few sa-uk meets and some peeps bought other halfs and we ended up good friends so its not always a bad thing.

belle,as hamptongirl said-is there anyway we can accomodate you in the uture,or is the thought of it all just to daunting.
i would never be meeting anyone without the help of a beer and my meds-fact.i dont see the point in going to a pub sober n shaking and feeling so self concious all evening,i want to enjoy myself-i live enough with nerves and want a nite off!
so belle how bigs your garden-all round to yours?

easter weekend is that a goer for chelmsford? saturday.3pm

21-03-09, 14:33
hey pete,how you doing, anyway i would be up for easter weekend, its just a case of other people letting us know if that is good for them too, in danger of sounding like a party pooper, i dont exactly live round the corner to chelmsford so dont want to go all that way if nobody has no intentions of turning up,i noticed pete the first time you tried to get this meet up and running all these people came forward from essex, were are these people now,if anyone else is reading this message, come on everybody lets get together and meet and take it from there.

21-03-09, 15:03
hi ,
yup i have tried in the past,people like the idea of meeting up but i understand nerves get a grip and they dont want to commit,as u say your not round the corner.so unless we get firm decisions and maybe pm mobile numbers,so we know before we head off if people are coming,cant do more than that can we.

so easter saturday 3pm wetherspoons -chelmsford.
please reply if your deffo interested and maybe pm me and i will give u my moby.

21-03-09, 15:34
Hi, i'll come along if im in essex over easter weekend....i should know in the next week or two :)

21-03-09, 16:11
hey CJH86, thanks so much for getting back to us, it is much appreciated, yeah that wud be great if you can get back and let us know,hopefully you will be around as it would be great to meet everybody as opposed to messaging,anyway you take care and hopfully get to meet up soon.x

22-03-09, 20:36
hey come on all of you in essex, lets have a meet up, we are trying to arrange for meet up in chelmsford,out of all of you we have a possible 3 people attending,come on i am sure we can do better than that,other counties have had successful meets, lets do the same, it will be a great day out if only more of you are up for it,so dont be shy come forward and lets go for it, what have you got to lose lol.x

22-03-09, 20:51
Hi Guys, me also Chelmsford:yesyes:

26-03-09, 19:36
I'll just sit in my house and raise a glass to all you non-agoraphobics having fun....lol!

think i wil join you belle-seems a non starter as usual..red or white?

p.s best tell ur hubby im coming over:shades:

26-03-09, 20:42

27-03-09, 20:58
wer are all you people in essex hiding,come forward and lets have this meet up in chelmsford,come on,apart from swapping stories and advice about our,what shall we call it condition,yea we will call it condition, lets get together and have a good laugh,i know i could do with one as when my conditiond plays up which it does alot,i dont find much to laugh about,so come on please come forward and lets get together,we could all become very good friends and if it is not your cup of tea once you tried,no one will blame you if you dont come again,anyway i am not gonna give up on you lot untill we hav at least one meet and that goes for pete89 too,so come on get messaging.x :O)

28-03-09, 15:56
:scared15: u sound like my english teacher when i used to bunk off school.."im not giving up on you pete69":scared15:

28-03-09, 17:06
that must be my bossy side coming out of me lol,it is just aswell i sound like your english teacher and not maths,cos for some reason in last message i wrote pete89 lol,you will hav to excuse me i am mad,anyway just a quick reminder while i am here to everyone,PLEASE COME TO THE MEET IN CHELMSFORD ESSEX, both pete69 and i are really interested in meeting you.x

20-07-09, 14:59
Hi Fellow Essex - Dwellers
Did this meet-up ever happen??

24-07-09, 20:38
um no!
much as hampton girl put her heart n soul into everypost-it never got off the ground.
i dont expect it ever will tbh.

anyways im in wickford and suffer with social anxiety-i take meds to control my anxiety and im always up for a beer-yup funny thing that sa-nervous around people chuck in a med n a beer and we are the life n soul.
so if anyone wants to meet up sometime please feel free to reply to this thread...i wont hold my breath:yesyes:

25-07-09, 23:34
glad to see you follow the mighty chels,been a fan since 78 so like u probs seen the bad times more than the good times:blush:

do you travel ok-u must if u get to the bridge,maybe we can meet up sometime in the near future. used to be a st holder but finances got better of me.
take care n all the best

26-07-09, 16:28
Mr X i'm only a stone throws away from you, i live in Ilford. Which itself is considered in Essex and London. But i'm a Spurs fan :P .

26-07-09, 20:03
Yeh you kinda get used to it after a while. Well really i am supposed to be a West Ham fan, but for some reason everyone in my family supported Spurs.

30-07-09, 07:13
mr x,
yeah i get to the odd game each season when a ticket becomes available,
my bro still is s/t and a few of his mates so when ones available i get my sweaty mits on it. managed to get to wembley the other year for fa cup-beating manure was priceless-espec as it was first fa cup final at new place.

know what you mean about the tube and stopping n starting-when i wasnt on meds i hated that-just wanted to get to my destination asap.i never sat down either-facing other people on tubes isnt good for SA peeps!

pendu-i know what u mean about you follow what your family support,i was born in north london-nr highbury-but my dad was blue blood so i wasnever gonna be a gooner-anyways life is more fun being a chelsea fan-who would of missed them happy days under ken bates and all the div 2 fun:yesyes:
lol i recall them printing a black covered programme because of all the violence and home fans were banned for a few games-wasnt chelsea the first ground to cage us in with the 10foot fences? i think ken started all that.

anyways we are way off topic maybes we should ask admin for a football section!
good luck for the season ahead-i can say that because i expect your only glory will be beating us in a semi in carling cup -heh:D

cheers guys

08-10-09, 21:38
Hi Im from Grays (and a gooner)

08-10-09, 22:32
im in grays too,,did you have the meet in chelmsford or can i still get an invite,,,

08-10-09, 22:47
Hi All

I live in Rainham, so not too far at all from Marc and Teez. If you do have a meet up I am pretty sure I would be able to get there.

Take care


10-10-09, 16:55
are we having a meet up or did we have one ,,and can i have date and time of this or next please thanking you theresa x