View Full Version : i know this is silly but......

16-11-08, 09:54

sorry to post this but my mind is starting to run away with itself and i need to calm it down,

its regarding my previous post re jalepenos i had wednesday night, that ive never had before especially on an empty stomach:blush:

my stomach is now feeling a lot better than it was and its no where near as tender as it was when i touch it but it is still slightly tender and a bit crampy when i eat something, my sensible side is thinking ive obviously irritated my stomach lining all the way through and will take a while to return to normal my HA side is thinking maybe ovarian cancer???? even though i didnt have any of this tenderness before i had the jalepenos?

please help me control this irrational HA before i really upset myself

thank you, i know im being irrational but its running away with me:blush:

16-11-08, 10:35
aw hun, I feel for you 'cos my anxiety used to let my mind run away with itself too. Its more than likely that it was the jalepenos that have hurt your tummy but if you are worried, book yourself in with the GP tomorrow & got for a check up. Hopefully this will put your mind at rest. xxxx

16-11-08, 10:41
hiya matey, your tummy will b tender for good few days so just b careful wot u eat and just drink lots, its nothing to worry about jen, just keep telling yourself that its just your anxiety.

sorry i been abit slow on emails, i havent been on the laptop so much as i had probs with it, i will b in touch xxxxxx

hugs to u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx