View Full Version : symptoms - all at once, or one at a time?

16-11-08, 11:01
Since I developed severe HA 9 months ago I have suffered a multitude of symptoms, most of which I have i interpreted as something fatal. These have ranged from head issues, throat issues, chest issues, upper abdomen issues, lower abdomen issues, bowel issues etc etc....... it goes on and on and on........ BUT I've noticed that my symptoms tend to happen in related 'clusters' and never all at once. While I am suffering from a weird throat for example (and am therefore worrying about throat cancer) all the other symptoms seem to fade away.

Does anyone else notice this??

At the moment I have dizziness and weird shooting sensations in my head (brain tumour?) and the rest of my body feels ok-ish. But last week my chest and breathing felt so, so strange and I was sure there was something dreadfully wrong, like lung cancer, but my head felt fine.

Why does this happen?/ Is it just me? :shrug:

16-11-08, 16:56
Its exactly the same with me i hate it.im getting one problem and i worry and worry untill iam a complete wreck and then i see doctor or have some tests and im OK for an hour then out of the blue bang ill notice sumthink else like for instance i had problems with my throat for 8wks and i coloudnt swallow food, straight away i fought CANCER.Even being 23i was scared stiff and still am slightly. anyway i went to ENT had cam up my throat and it was acid refulx burnin foodpipe so that was sorted and i can eat now.then recently iv been havin stomach problems,constipation and cramps and iave dropped to 9stone frm 10& abit stone,so that HA gremlin is nw coming bk and poking me to tell me hey u must ave cancer because!! u ave the symptoms weight loose,pains and aches,and even since i ave had a Urinary tract infection which has been going on for 2 weeks i have noticed that my neck feels achey and i feel that my lymth node or glands are up on my right side of my neck which is now worrying me even more,why is it with HA that the awful symptoms u get mimic such horrible problems ?? igo crazy panicing over the slightest little things.but wat iam trying to say is that i worry about one thing then because i spot sumthink else slightly unuasl i take my mind off that one and the prezious worry disapears,then some how they cum bk one after the other Lol why? and then they get linked togather like i get headache get over it and realise its nothing,so i notice im gettin dizzy and then feel sick and im like ohhh brain tumour its mad im sick of it!! sorry to rant on ur friend iam jus fed up.best wishes C.xxx

16-11-08, 20:52
Hi there

Am totally with you on this one - it is as though the symptons/sensations are chased around the body - even if I don't have any symptoms it is not too long until I have invented/imagined one. It is though there is little space in your mind marked 'health anxiety' and it needs to be continually fed!!! The trick is to find a way to not feed it (easier said than done!).

Best wishes for now

Rebecca x

16-11-08, 21:44
:D With me it is one 'fatal' symptom at a time. I had really bad ectopic heart beats for months which always disappeared in the doctors waiting room. Then I got an abscess under my tooth and was in so much pain i forgot to think about my heart. When i got the tooth out i started with head pressure.I feel like i have to have something to worry over. Am off to gp tomorrow to see if he says its anxiety cos i can't convince myself!