View Full Version : I need a little reassurance please...

16-11-08, 12:31

Over the last few days my anxiety has been playign up and this has lead to me having indigestion/trapped wind etc

Yesterday I had about 6 or 7 Bisodol tablets to help shift it and it seemed to have worked.
However, this morning I went the loo and the stool was black :ohmy: sorry if tmi
I have googled it and my mind is now convincing me that I have internal bleeding!

Alot of the symptons though match my anxiety ones and I could sit and cry.
Husband says that taking Indigestion remedies does give you black stools but this is mostly with Pepto Bismol! Not Bisodol which is what I took!

I just need some reassurance please


16-11-08, 13:58
Call the pharmacist but if you have only had black stools since you ate those tablets then it's probably the cause, why don't you read the leaflet in the pack?

I wouldn't worry too much just give your Dr a bell on the phone. he will reasure you properly as none of use here can give medical advice.

xx x

16-11-08, 17:13
Thank you

I think I will call my gp in the morning. I hate the way that I can whip myself into a frenzy so fast.

I am so scared right now, am worried that I have an ulcer or cirisis sp* of the liver etc


16-11-08, 18:53
Vicki - try not to worry. My son when he was 3 once ate a green icing dinosaur off his birthday cake and his stools the next day were bright green! I nearly had a heart attack and was worried sick he had a bowel infection until i remembered the icing. Beetroot can turn some people's red, iron tablets can turn them black, red meat can turn them dark whilst milk can turn them pale - certain vitamins can even make your wee bright yellow.

Yes read the packet or speak to the pharmacist but if you feel OK otherwise, I expect your stools will be normal again next day :)

16-11-08, 19:36
Thank you.

I do feel fine in myself, I just need to keep calm or I will start to imagine symptons :blush:

My husband has been looking at the internet for me to try to reassure me and found my posts here at NMP :ohmy: Mmmmmm not my normal way of relaxing, I feel like my diary has been read!