View Full Version : On the verge

16-11-08, 16:51
My name is Jessie. I feel that I am on the verge of depression. My son is emigrating to Australia in January and taking my two grandchildren with him. He has not spoken to me since April when I remarried.

I don't know what to do and find myself crying all of time. I don't know what to do about the situation.

16-11-08, 19:18
Yes, I have written to him and told him how I was feeling. It was his birthday a couple of weeks ago and in his card I put a photo disk from his childhood so that he could take it to Australia with him. He told his brother that he thought I only gave that to him to make him feel guilty. I tried phoning him on his birthday and he put the phone down on me when he realized who it was. His brother has told him that he his being unreasonable.

I don't know what to do. I am at my witts end. It won't be long before January is upon us and the distance that will seperate us then will be immense.

My son and I were very, very close. If there was anyone at all that could suggest anything to help it would be brilliant.


milly jones
18-11-08, 17:20
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx

18-11-08, 18:07
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

18-11-08, 19:41

Welcome to the site, sorry to hear of your problems. I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


22-11-08, 03:32
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x