View Full Version : Come on...let's get a London meet up sorted!!

16-11-08, 19:03
I live in SW London, could meet anywhere in London though. I know there are previous threads about this but would be really nice to get one up and running. Maybe near Christmas time, like a nice pub lunch or something? Just to chat and meet people suffering from anxiety? Somewhere like Richmond/Wimbledon/Putney would be great but like I said, sometimes central is easier (although more expensive obviously!!)

Let me know what you think people, I'm a good organiser so I don't mind sorting something out with some help!!


23-11-08, 20:41
Aww that's ok no worries, welcome to the site!

Wimbledon sounds good, it's only 30 mins from me and a lovely place!

Anyone else interested? xx

27-11-08, 13:55

30-11-08, 12:57
Hi Leonard here.

Sorry not been on sight for a while. Would love to meet up in Wimbledon. Have met Tetley and her husband twice. They are still talking to me!!
Have anxiety and a recovering agoraphobic. Before xmas would be nice but if not a January meet to take to blues away.


30-11-08, 17:51
I have only been member for couple of months but cant get over how freindly everyone is
Would love a meet up i live in Oxford but London not to far

Love to meet some of my new friends


30-11-08, 21:21
Wow, glad people are interested! You're right, everyone is so friendly. Yes maybe Jan would be easier to organise for, I am going away on the 19th December on my hols but sure we will sort something out, Wimbledon sounds like a good place xx

07-12-08, 14:23
I live in Central London and would be very much interested in such an event :D

09-12-08, 11:22
Yay glad people are interested:) xx

09-12-08, 22:09
Hi, I've not been on for a long time and have only made a couple of posts anyway, but I'm in the Surrey area so a Wimbledon meet up sounds OK to me. Would it be during the day or evening?

09-12-08, 22:47
Hi Fleur, welcome to the site! I don't know really, whatever people prefer. Maybe an afternoon would be better if people don't want to travel back at night? xx

01-01-09, 22:26
Are people still interested in getting this going? :) xx

02-01-09, 13:33
woow what a great idea :shades: :yesyes: :)

i live in jerusalem a few hours away flying :weep::curse:

so if anyone would not mind paying for the ticket and hotel .. i would defnitely come for the meeting :roflmao: :sign20:

oh guys i wish i could come as well .. i'm sure such meetings are so helpfull and good.. wish you all luck and tell us how is it gonna go :bighug1:

03-01-09, 06:35
i live in twickenham, so surrounding areas r good for me, be good to chat to people who understand!
connie x

05-01-09, 12:29
Sorry for the late reply, I have only just been on this thread again hehe! I will email people once I have done my work and we'll get something sorted. I'll look into places around the Wimbledon area. Where would people prefer to meet, a pub or restaurant? Something like that? Let me know xx

05-01-09, 19:14
hi cher im deff up for a meet hun im quite close to london so it wont be a problem for me travel wise please let me know details hun

Many Thanks

05-01-09, 19:49
A pub sounds good to me, I'll look into your suggestions Bev and email/message everyone who is interested ASAP xx

05-01-09, 19:57
Btw is it ok to do it on a Sat/Sun as I am at university and working during the week? I'm hoping weekend will be ok for everyone xx

05-01-09, 20:13
I was born, bred and brought up in Mitcham, unfortunatley. ( well not so unfortunately really lol...) Im not there now. When the meet up is, let me know, as I may be up in the area.


05-01-09, 21:57
i wanna come :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :sad: :sad:

10-01-09, 11:53
I am sorry for being rubbish! Thanks so much for taking over this Tetley:hugs:, will do my best to be there xx

21-02-09, 13:29
Hi there,

Am a new member living in South London and just came across your messages about meeting up.

Am I too late to come along???
Wasn't sure whether it had already happened or not, and if so, are you planning another get together?

Would love to meet some other anxiety sufferers as so sick having no one to chat to about it!!

Elly x :)

24-05-09, 16:54
Hi Everyone,

Did you guys meet up in the end?

If so can we organise another one?

I'm in Balham. I'm also sick of not having anyone to talk about it with!

Think it would be so useful to get together and compare notes etc.

If anyone wants to meet me in London, let me know!

KR xx :hugs:

27-05-09, 22:27

No there was no meet up lol. I am not too far from Balham. We could chat some time on the site or pm each other. Would love to discuss problems and help anyone who would like advice.


Deepest Blue
27-05-09, 22:39
Hi everybody, I would have been very interested in meeting up in London, I live about an hour away on the train so it's not too bad for me. If this still goes ahead sometime soon then please let me know :)

27-05-09, 23:29
im defo up for this!

28-05-09, 00:00
Me to!

mandie x

31-05-09, 18:02
Hi everyone

Just noticed that you meet up in London, do you still do this?
I would really like to, I live in North London but doesnt bother me travelling south of the river!
Just be good to meet people who get you and understand what all this hassle is like.

Let me know.

