View Full Version : I never seem to improve

17-11-08, 04:06
G'day everyone

I have plenty of mind problems and try so hard to tackle them and to try and live just a normal life.I have plenty of fears and the most main one is catching HIV or a STD and having my life come to an end.What makes it harder for me is that im a gay guy but very straight in appreance and acting.My fear is "if" the worst case did happen and i did get these dieases , people would say "well his gay , he deserved it" , or "he is gay of course he is going to catch them".My sexual history is pretty much non exsititent , for example i havent been with anyone for 8/9 years now.Im just to nervous to get close to anybody and have something go wrong.

Im also worried about just daily basis as well , for eg i work in a large Dept store , and im worry that i will come in contact with blood or other body fluids during the cause of my day and contract something bad.

This now leeds me to todays events.Im on 2 weeks hoilday at the moment and i need to try and unwind and relax.So today i decided to go on a road trip and take and do some shopping.Everything was alright till i decided to get some lunch and a lady at the shop made me a hamburger and chips takeaway.Just as i was walking away , im sure i saw a spot of blood on the top of her hand where it looks like she has cut herself.

Now im so frusated as i try so hard to be normal and to try and just live life like everyone else.While i was slowely eating my lunch , i kept watching her and trying to see her hands from the distance to see if she was bleeding or perhaps put a bandaid on her hand.If i saw that then i knew i was right , but everytime i saw a quick glance of her hands i couldnt see anything.

Deep deep down , im hoping it was just perhaps sauce or some small bit of food stuck to hand when she made my hamburger.

I feel that if i dont relax and unwind in the 2 weeks , im going to get very stressed and tense with all these bad thoughts running though my head.

There is so much more going on and issues i have been fighting for many years.It feels as soon as i make some progress something like this happens and im back to square one again.

Sorry for such a long post , i just wanted to write it all as i see it today and get it off my chest.

Thankyou for reading.

Dean.......~~confused and afraid~~

17-11-08, 11:40

I'm starting to feel that there are two kinds of people with HA - one is usually scared of a hidden cancer and the other is more scared of catching something (like HIV). I used to be the second kind when I was a child/teenager, but I am now the first kind. Do you also have OCD? I had that when I had the second kind of HA. Do you always need to wash your hands or use antibacterial wipes?

I also had a friend like you who once threw a hot dog away because he saw that the hot dog guy's hand had a plaster on it. He wouldn't go to the dentist's as he was afraid that the dentist would infect him with something by accident.

You don't have HIV, and it is very easy to avoid catching STDs. Furthermore, people who say "gay people deserve catching HIV" have a mental problem themselves. You simply can't think this way about yourself. Are you getting help e.g. some kind of psychotherapy?
please feel better:hugs:

17-11-08, 11:57

17-11-08, 19:53
Thankyou so much to everyone who has written above , i have really taken note of what has been said.Im very touched for your thoughts and suggestions.I do know i need to see someone , but that 1st step is the hardest one of all, but i know its something i need to do.
Regards Dean ........