View Full Version : is this still anxiety or do i need to call midwife?

17-11-08, 07:47
I dont know if there is something wrong that I need to see a miswife about or if I am just having a really bad bout of anxiety.

I am 26 weeks pregnant, on saturday we were out and I felt very faint, we ended up coming home. the feeling didnt go away and by the evening I felt bad enough to call the midwife. I have had preeclampsia in both of my previous pregnancies which started around this stage so they told me to come in straight to the labour ward.

I went in blood pressure was a little higher than normal but not hugely so (was 140/88) and had trace of protein, again this can be normal sometimes. baby was fine, blood sugar was fine. they wanted me to stay in but by that point I was sure it was just anxiety and went home.

I have felt horrible since then, weak to the point I feel I cant do normal things. my husband has had to take the day off to work from home and i feel dizzy when i stand and shaky.

I have NO temperature or anything that would suggest a virus etc.

so anyway i am lying in bed and I dont know what to do. I dont want to go calling the maternity unit again if this is anxiety but at the sane time I dont know whats going on - this is thw workds worst panic attack if it is http://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif

what should i do?


17-11-08, 08:19
Hi Sophie, I am sorry you are suffering like this. To be honest, I would call, its better to be safe than sorry. But I am sure it is just anxiety but best call in to be on safe side hun. Let us know how you get on. xxx

17-11-08, 08:33
Hi Sophie, I agree with Jane.
I would'nt be taking any risks where your and your babys wellbeing is involved. You are probably right about it been anxiety, the panic over the pre-eclampsia scare probably set you off. However, phone your midwife and ask if you can pop up and see her in clinic (or better still, ask her to come and see you, if possible). Her priority is for yours and babys health too so she will be happy to check you over. In the meantime go and get a cuddle off your hubby, he might aswell make himself useful while he's under your feet and it might even give you a bit of comfort and reassurance.
I hope it is only anxiety (crikey, can't believe i'm actually wishing anxiety on someone) but you know what I mean.
Hugs to you Hun, and I'm sure you will be feeling better soon x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

17-11-08, 09:36
Hi - I think you are going to worry yourself silly and make the anxiety and BP much worse by being at home.

Phone the Midwife and have a chat with her. Hopefully she'll come out and see you.

It could be a urine infection (lovely and common in pregnancy!). That would explain the protein in your wee and can make you shaky and feel generally pretty grotty.

I know the pre-eclampsia scares you but IF ( and it is a big IF) it is leading down that road again you will cope, because you have done before. Just take it day by day and get the medical team to help you. Your health and baby are what is important.

Hugs xxx

17-11-08, 11:16
Hi there Red
How are you feeling now? I was worried about pre eclampsia with my pregnancies but did not get thank good ness - It is probably anxiety but I know how anxiety can be excaserbated in pregnancy and with your history to put your mind at rest give them a call - even if you can go to your gp and get your bp checked daily to give you peace of mind - it doesnt matter how many times you go to labour ward if you feel better for going you go my love - also as sam said if it was heading down the road of pre eclampsia you will cope but you are in a good position as you know what to look for and again as sam says protein could be an infection - i had them constantly - it doesnt matter how many times you go to get checked my love x

17-11-08, 12:29
I would phone and get yourself checked out. I had pre-eclampsia when I was pregnant. When I went to see the midwife at my gp surgery my blood pressure was a bit high so they re-tested and it went back to normal and I had no protein in my urine. But two weeks later I was going dizzy and could see spots in front of my face and when I went to my next midwife appointment my blood pressure was really high and I had protein in my urine. I had to go to hospital to be monitered and the hospital decided it would be best to induce labour.
I wouldn't leave it I would phone just to be on the safe side.

17-11-08, 16:45
It's always worth getting checked over, particularly because you have a history of pre eclampsia. You can see from 'lennons mammy' above that things can change very quickly in pregnancy so if you ever feel worried you should be checked out.

It might be worth telling your midwife (if you haven't already) that you suffer with anxiety. A bit of extra info - esp if you're seen at the hospital or clinic more than usual - can give the health professionals a bit more empathy and understanding with you.

If you still feel shaky and sort of not right even after being reassured things are fine, i would advise you try to distract yourself by going round the shops with a friend or if you definitely feel like bed is the only option just put a dvd on or something?

17-11-08, 18:24
well i have had my blood pressure checked etc, it is still up but at the moment is just below what the doctor would class as being enough to cause these symptoms. He basically said at the moment the symptoms are more than likely due to anxiety BUT he also said that he thinks that this is the start of developing Pregnancy induced hypertension and pre eclampsia.

based on my history (i was pretty ill with my last pregnancy and my kidneys started to fail) he just said for today put then down to anxiety, tomorrow dont. which is going to mean spending alot of time getting checked i think :blush: since barely a day has gone by for nearly 3 years where i dont feel some symptom or another.

as you can imagine this has done nothing to relieve the anxiety but at least he didnt make me feel like a freak or anything. I have another check up on friday...so my goal is to make it through to then with no major panics (yeag right...:shrug:)


17-11-08, 21:11
hi sophie

17-11-08, 21:12
whoops hit the send button too soon - just wanted to say its only normal for your anxiety to be bad just now and even if it means going to the hospital every day it doesnt matter - you have just over 3 months left - your on the last stretch so if you feel worried at all just go and get checked x

18-11-08, 09:19
well fingers crosse I have actually managed to get up and out of the bedroom today, I do feel a bit better although I feel like my inside are shaking like mad. My dad has lent me his blood pressure machine so i can just check it without running to the doctors everytime, which i feel a bit happier about.

I am going to try and get on or two things done today even if i feel like I am going to faint because I cant spend the next three months sitting still afraid of moving. I have already had a shower, and got me and the two kids dressed nicely I have also ordered a pair of soft boots because my trainers are getting too tight with my feet swelling a bit lol.

I am having a sit down now and later i will probably try and get some washing in and put some clean washing away.

the things sound so tiny when I say them but they feel so big when I do them!

my husband made me feel a little better last night by saying " even if you faint you will only end up going to the hospital and spending time in amongst the new babies (because of the blood pressure I never go on a normal ward I always go on the labour ward where there are more doctors so there are tiny babies everywhere!) Im still not fond of the idea of fainting but at least it made me laugh - bless him he tries!



18-11-08, 09:33
Well done Sophie! Sounds like you are taking control of this - good for you.

Pm me anytime if you have any pregnancy worries