View Full Version : heard of this??

14-06-05, 21:46
i once heard that people who suffer from any kind of mental illness...and im thinking this could just be a load of ****, is that it has nothing to do with anything that has happened to you in your past but that it is actually a troubled spirit that has attached its self to you, and the only way to get rid of this illness and the "troubled spirit" is to go see a spiritualist or mediem type person. but i also heard that it could be linked to our past lives, if you choose to believe that sort of thing i suppose. but i was just wondering if anyone else had heard of this??


14-06-05, 21:50
Sounds like a load of rubbish to me I am afraid.

I used to go a spirtualist church 3 times a week and I was never cured of panic attacks. I don't think the people there would have appreciated being told that they needed to get rid of bad spirits!

Please don't believe this!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

14-06-05, 21:59
yeah thats what i thought although was kinda hoping it was true. then i would get rid for good. if only it was that easy huh?


14-06-05, 22:05

I think we have all heard of this or something similar and when we're vulnerable its easier to actually dwell on it and incorporate it into our own ' what if's ' especially when you cannot yet pin point what kicked off your panic.

Many healers - Reiki, spiritualist, hands on etc all have their own beliefs that they like to tell you about. I initially went to see one who always maintained that my aura was out and she would click it back into place.

She had very strong views on past lives but only brought it up a couple of times and I let her know very clearly that whilst I may have been desperate and sort of went along with the aura thing - there was no way I was ever going to be re birthed or past lifed or whatever and she said no more except that it might help as she could feel an Indian girl somewhere near me.
Well, I am recovered now without ever investigating it so I'm left even more sceptical than I already was ..

Having said that she was a brilliant woman and I did feel better after seeing her each time.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

14-06-05, 23:42
meg, your story cracked me up!
denise, i think that lots of people believe in past lives and spirits and stuff. even if there is truth in it though, there's no way that it only applies to people who suffer from mental illnesses.
personally i think that anxiety issues are to do with our current situation and issues and nothing to do with spirits or our past lives.
henri x