View Full Version : ovarian cancer at 30?

17-11-08, 09:53
i worried about ovarian cancer for a while i then spoke to an ovarian cancer helpline and they really reassured me and i settled with this fear, but now it is back....
ive had a n upset stomach which is now better thank fully, but if i press on my right hand side just a bit in from my hip bone it feels a bit tender, it is not causing pain other than when i press it, i can lie on my belly,on that side etc and it doesnt hurt but it does when pressed, could it be,

i have tried to think rationally about this my stomach feels a lot better than it did a few days ago and surely if it was the pain would be getting worse,hurting more etc etc, i am on the pill apart from having 2 children and a four year break off the pill i ahve been on it since i was 14 and i know this provides protection against ovarian cancer,

please give me some advice as i can feel a panic coming on even though im trying to calm myself down

thank you,sorry to be a pain

17-11-08, 10:16

this is a fear i have had to and have the pain in my side when i press on there.
i have talked to my doc about this and he said he has never seen it in someone my age(31) and it is more of a cancer that is seen in older people who maybe has had no children.
i know you can get a blood test from the docs that can tell you if you have ovarian cancer or not but i would not recommend this as i think once you go down the road of having tests to confirm you don't have things it can be a vicious circle.
jodie xxx:hugs:

17-11-08, 10:27
Are you in the middle of your cycle cos I know it can be tender there when you are. Also ovarian cysts are very very common so maybe that's what it is. I have had one and my mum and sister and we all had to have one ovary out. I was only 28 when I got mine but it was in pregnancy. Your doctor could probably feel a cyst if you went to see him to put your mind at rest. I also get this pain from time to time too and think it is definitely linked to anxiety.

18-11-08, 10:50
ive popped to see the practice nurse today a i needed a repeat presription
for my pill
i explained to her about this odd little twinge i get in my side every now and then,it doesnt hurt and by the time ive realised ive had it it has gone,
i havent pressed my tummy today because i will probably make it sore from keep pressing it,
she explained the symptoms of ovarian cancer to me, she said women can get ovulation pain which i did have terribly before i went on pill
i asked her if she would be concerned if it was her having this twinge in her side, she said no she wouldnt and she would just ignore it but i obviously worry so if i wanted i could pop and see the gp who would feel my tummy for me to give me the reassurance that it is all ok, but it has helped that she said if she had the pain it wouldnt concern her

does anyone else get a twinge every so often, the twinge is where my groin is on the right hand side

18-11-08, 18:15

sorry to hear about your worries. I get twinges all the time. Especially on the right side. (I know it isn't my appendix, as that was removed 12 years ago).

I didn't know there was an ovarian cancer helpline. Please could you let me have the number. Can anyone ring it?

Many thanks

19-11-08, 15:21
Yes I get that twinge. I've been on the combined pill for about 3 months but stopped in June and had 4 normal periods since. I get twinges alll the time. I also get ovulation pain.

19-11-08, 17:33
i get this quite badly when im ovulating - and apparantely it affects different sides - its normal i promise x