View Full Version : Blood Test Results :-( Something else to worry about

17-11-08, 13:04

Some of you may have read my other thread regarding me going for blood tests because of a long menstraul period(which eventually as slowd right down). I rang them this morning and im quite upset that they didnt even do a hormone test. But the receptionist said i need to go visit my GP about the results:weep:

The results show my Cholestoral is 7.4 which is way too high so now im thinking im going to drop dead of heart attack or stroke at any minute !!

Has any others had a test result so high? I have a appointment this evening to discuss it with my GP.

Im so fed up its seems one thing after another!


17-11-08, 13:15
Don't form any judgements till you've spoken to your GP later lovie ok.:hugs:

Lots of people have high cholesterol and can do plenty to lower it. :yesyes: Sometimes this can be done purely by dietery means, or as in my mums case she took 'Statins' for awhile which brought it right back down to the normal levels again, so don't be getting in a pickle ok! :hugs:

Let us know how you get on later because I'm interested as to your iron levels and I'm wondering about your hormone levels too so I am confused as to what tests he asked to be done.:shrug:

Love Piglet :flowers:

17-11-08, 13:19
Hi there..
I don't personally suffer with cholestoral problems (that i know of, not been tested), but my mother does. When she first had hers checked it the same as yours (i just called her and asked!).

She was immediately put on a 'Statin' tablet and thank God it has been regulated since.

I don't think you will drop dead, i think if it goes unmedicated for a LONG period of time, it wouldn't do you much good, but you have nowt to worry about. Meds will sort it right out.


17-11-08, 13:57
Thanks Piglet and Belle:hugs:

confused as to what tests he asked to be done.:shrug:

So am i Piglet:shrug: and the receptionist wasnt too helpfull when i rang this morning, so will have to wait until i go this evening. The new surgery opens till 9pm on a Monday i have appointment at 8pm so i will take hubby with me. Two sets of ears are better than one.:) Thanks for the reply and for listening to me moan again you always give such good advice:hugs: .

Belle thanks so much for asking your mum and your kind words too hun its good to know your mum is doing well now, that realy as reasurred me too. Thankyou:hugs:


17-11-08, 19:38
Hi Andrea

Sorry you are still suffering so much hun :hugs:

I hope you get some answers from the doctor tonight. I think lots of people would have a high cholesterol result if actually tested. When you think about it people from older generations ate a lot more fat and cooked in less healthy ways than we do now and didn't suffer for it. There just weren't the tests then so they didn't know about cholesterol.

To put it into perspective it's actually quite usual for someone with anorexia to have a high cholesterol test and people with anorexia hardly eat, let alone fatty food - as you know!

As for the hormone test, I hope the doctor did include it in the blood test. I asked my doctor for one today but it's not something that's done routinely. I would've thought with your symptoms they might've done it but even so I don't think it is a routine test.

Let us know how you get on :hugs:

Karen xx

17-11-08, 21:40
Thankyou Tetley and Karen for your reasurring advice.:hugs: :hugs:

I saw a lovely lady doctor for the first time whom was recommended to me. She was realy nice. I explained about my period going on for so long and she said a hormone test wasnt done:shrug: she did say like you explained Karen that its a seperate test and not something thats done routinly with the other tests i had done. Well all the tests except Chlosteral came back fine, even iron which i was shocked about after loosing so much blood over the last couple of weeks. Now i have stopped bleeding she wants me to wait for 3 more weeks and see if things settle down. She has made a me a double appointment for 3 weeks time so she can examine my pelivc area and also it gives time for me to have the ultra sound scan. I explained to her how rotten i have been feeling over the last few months, coming home from work etc because i have felt so ill, she said it could possibly be the menopause causing it.:shrug:

I think she is more concerned about my blood pressure and cholestoral, i took my readings from home with me(they are lower) but she said doctors always add 10 onto the readings done at home because doing readings at home is totaly different to having them done at the surgery(not sure why)!which means they are high:weep: .She wanted me start treatment straight away with meds, but i asked if i change my diet and stop smoking(i know i shouldnt smoke) straight away will that help has i hate taking medication.
So she has been kind and given me 3 weeks to see if i can bring it down by changing my lifestyle. I did ask her if there was a possibility i could drop dead in the 3 weeks without meds!:ohmy: but she said that was very unlikely and smiled:) .

So has from tomorrow im going to change my ways, my father died at 58 of heart failure and i sure dont want to die that young too !

So im going to go for a new healthy me !!:yesyes:

Thanks for taking the time to read folks, and thanks once again for all your support.:hugs:
Will let you know how things go.


17-11-08, 21:53
I'm glad you saw such a helpful doctor Andrea.

We are all behind you with the changes you are making and will be here to support you all the way :hugs:

So, is she doing the hormone blood test?

Karen xx

17-11-08, 21:58
She never said so Karen, she just said see how things go in 3 weeks, i geuss i should have asked for it to put my mind at rest. I will see how things go in the next 3 weeks before i see her, although i cant see much change as i have felt rough the last few months!:ohmy: I have always been a big believer that my anxiety has alot to do with my hormones !

Still no wiser though:shrug: !


17-11-08, 23:00
Right sausage shall I accompany you on the cholesterol reducing plan then, cos it's not a bad thing for us all to do really.

I'm not a red meat eater and and don't eat chicken much either so perhaps I can tempt you to start using quorn in place of those in things like stir-frys etc.

Also you mentioned oats to me earlier - if you don't like porridge (which I loathe) then what about adding 2 tablespoons to a banana and strawberry smoothie for breakfast.

I also add a teaspoon of crushed almonds to yoghurt or the smoothie, which is said by Liz Earle in her Vital Oils book to have a very good effect on reducing cholesterol in the blood.

Also I use flora proactive for my margarine (although I don't use a lot in the way of marg anyhow) and what about olive oil for your cooking (the light version specially for cooking with).

I like you was well surprised by your iron levels but then that's a good thing isn't it.

Let's see what can be achieved in the next 3 weeks! :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

17-11-08, 23:31
then what about adding 2 tablespoons to a banana and strawberry smoothie for breakfast.
That sounds good Piglet. I might try that too.

Karen xx

18-11-08, 08:33
Thanks for the tips Piglet, and the smoothie do sound delicious:yesyes: . I will be certainly trying that !

I need a trip to the supermarket which i will do later today then i can stock up my cupboards with healthy food! Im not realy a red meat eatter apart from mince in bolognaise, i do eat alot of chicken though. i think fish is supposed to be good too, so thats on my shopping list.:)

I had a good start last night for supper i had shredded wheat and semi skimmed milk( i usually have whole milk) and this morining i have had my dish of oats(i usually have toast, lurpack and jam:ohmy: )

Im going to try and go to work today, i havnt been for over a week so i must get back into the swing of things.

Thanks for the support, tips and recepies:)


23-11-08, 12:35

Just thought i would do a little update its been just about a week since i started my healthy eatting plan, and real pleased with myself for sticking to it.

I have been keeping a daily check on my BP and the last couple of days i have normal readings :yesyes: !! So it just goes to show how eatting fatty foods can affect your BP. I have also felt like i have more energy been up at the crack of dawn the last couple of days raring to go !

I have started having a healthy breakfasts, oats or shredded wheat,Ive stopped eatting snacks(crisps, biscuits etc) now i eat fruit and i nibble on sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds and raw carrots and i have had the odd cearel bar.
For lunches its been soups and ryvitas(im addicted to the ones with sesame seeds). Ive had no red meat for my main meals, chicken, haddock, cod and salmon with salad or vegatables or brown rice. Instead of fizzy drinks and coffee i am drinking alot more cranberry and fruit juices too.

I have had noooo takeaway food or porkpies!(at work our cleaner works in a butchers making the pies and he always brings some for us, but i said no!i was very tempted though they are lovely).

So all in all my first week as gone well and im going to keep it up, i have even cut right down on the cigerattes and joined a no smoking course at the gp surgery!:yesyes:

Thankyou for reading and if any of you have anymore tips on healthy eatting i would be most pleased:)


23-11-08, 12:39
Hey Donna

I haven't had a cholesterol test, but try not to worry to much. It can be kept under control.

Let us know the outcome. Thinking of you. When is your appointment with doc?

23-11-08, 13:18
Well you are doing really hun I must say!!! :yesyes:

Try the ground almonds (1 teaspoon) sprinkled on the top of your cereals in the morning everyday too - studies in america showed it to be very good.

Oh and just to say increasing your exercise abit really helps too - see if you can walk more or like me get a little trampette to bounce on to music.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-11-08, 13:32
Piglet thanks for the tips:hugs:

Ground Almonds are now on my shopping list:) thankyou! sounds scrummy too.

I like the idea of the trampette also, never would have thought of that for exercising while listening to music what a good idea !:)


02-12-08, 13:32
Hi Hun..how are things with you?Piglet sent me to your thread as i too have just been told i have high cholesterol..7.2 and also raised glucose!!I t has knocked me for six :ohmy: I dont eat meat very often maybe chicken once a week or dairy food...i dont touch fatty or sweet foods..yet i am very over weight[tho i have lost 11pounds in the last 10 weeks ..so slow going tho]..so this had really shocked me:ohmy: I gave the fags up 7 years ago too:shrug: My Blood pressure was fine tho ,so that is good..it is scarey isnt it Honeybee:scared15: I am now having porridge for breaky instead of my poached egg..and am taking omega 3 oil capsules..oh ant taking a benecol drink every day too.I have to go back next week for a repeat test so fingers crossed..i am more worried about the diabetes scare really but havin both is just too much..i keep thinkin i am gunna drop dead:ohmy: So i am with you on this maybe we can help each other:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-12-08, 18:55
Hi Paddington

Sorry to hear about your blood test results, but pleased you are joining me here on the thread. I hope we can work togeather at this:hugs: . Well done too for loosing 11lb that really is a good start hun.

When i got my results and blood pressure taken i asked my GP if i was going to drop dead shortly:ohmy: she said no so i am taking her word for it !!

For the last 2 weeks or so i have been doing quite well with the eatting, my main problem is nibbling things like biscuits, chocolate and stupid unhealthy snacks. I have managed to cut out this and now nibble on pumpkin seeds( i have even found somewhere locally that sells them dry roasted, much tastier) also sunflower seeds and soya nuts(the dry roasted soya nuts i really like)
For breakfast i have been having Quaker oats, Piglet suggested the ground almonds sprinkled on top which is very nice, i have also been having blueberries mixed in with the oats which makes it a bit more exciting.
My lunches are usually the same each day( a bit boring) a cup a soup, sesemee seed ryvitas or seeded bread with the soup and fruit to finish with.
Luckliy this time of year all the fruit and veg is out that i like, clementines, satsumas, sprouts etc. :yesyes: Im not really a fruit person but have been eatting plenty of satsumas and bannanas.

Ive cut out red meat, been having alot of chicken and vegitables and also fish. Fish is quite expensive isnt it Paddington especially salmon. But i have been cheeky and shopping at the local Asda later at night when they have alot of fish reduced in price:yesyes: . I have been buying in bulk.lol and freezing it.:winks: I have been wrapping the fish and chicken in foil and cooking it in the oven.
I have also been drinking lots more fruit juice rather than coffee, cranberry juice been one of my favorites. and also stocked the fridge up with the pro active yogurts.
I hate the thought of going onto drugs to reduce my cholestrol so im trying hard to get it down. I know exersice is good too, so i have purchased a peddling machine from argos.:)

Thanks for the tip on the omega 3 capsules will get some of those tommo.

If you have any ideas for foods Paddington please let me know we can do this togeather mate !:hugs: :hugs:


02-12-08, 20:18

Paddington another good tip my aunt told me. I dont know if you like tomatoe ketchup like me. I used to have it on everything:ohmy: . I now use Tomatoe Puree instead(100% tomatoes and better for you) :) its real tasty too, great with fish:) .


03-12-08, 14:02
Hu HUn..thanks for the chat on FB last night ..i still took ages to drop off then had horrid dreams..:mad: Any hoo thanks for being there..and for the info and this on here too:D I am a brown sauce girl myself:) I used to have red with my egg but now i dont eat them i dont use it!!As for eating in between meals stopped that too..never really been one for biccies etc as if i start i cant stop ..really i just cant..so i dont touch sweet things[well a two finger kit kat twice week if i am HONEST:blush: ] or dairy,cept skimmed milk and the odd very low fat cheese triangle:ohmy: i love savoury food..drool..drool:roflmao: i adore cheese on toast but never eat it.I live on quorn,veg, salad ,porridge, bananas..sometimes nimble bread..i have chicken once or twice a week..how the hell i am this weight i dont know!!I made my xmas cake today,,and didn't even have a lick of thebowl!!So what else can i do..well be more active i think is the answer for me..i have a family tendancy to carry weight [from my dad's side]so excersise must be the key for me..do you excersise??Oh you told me youhad bought a peddling thingy..hope that helps you hun..Oh and do take the omega oils..i find oily fish hard to digest..and calorific too:ohmy: Not a huge fan of plain fish..i like mine in batter:roflmao: Keep me posted matey.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-12-08, 02:01
Hi Paddy

Sorry for the delay in replying hun:hugs: Thanks also for the chat on face book, even though i kept going offline:weep: .

I know what you mean about cutting down on foods and dont feel like you are loosing weight. my hubby and girls eat just the same meals as me but they are all slim(makes me sick)i think i take after my mothers side, she is overweight but 73 and still going strong bless her. She still works too! for the local health authority! so i hope i do take after her...lol....i asked her what her cholestrol was and she hasnt a clue..........in her eyes its all another health scare(another of one many that the NHS tell you about, my mum as told me not to worry about it)
I didnt really know much about cholestrol till i had my blood test, but since then with mentioning it im amazed how many people suffer with it, from 5.1,s to over 8!! gosh i have been amazed some of these people been real fit too!!:ohmy: .(my mother inlaw is 76 and her cholestrol was 8.1 and shes as fit as fiddle, my brother in law hes 52 his cholestrol was 8.2 changed his diet and its alot lower now)
Paddington, i have been paroniod over the last few weeks since getting my tests results back that im going to drop dead soon, i have spent 15 years trying to beat agorophobia so i dont realy need this when i feel i am beating the agorophobia, i dont think you do too hun,so lets concentrate on achieving one thing first:) .

You asked me about exersice....... i dont get the exercsice i really should, a quick walk around the park with the dog is the most i achieve i really should get more exercise.

Im quite pleased though padds that i am still sticking to the low cholestrol diet, quaker oats and quaker oats.....lol.....i feel as if i have lost some weight too:yesyes: , and feel as if i have a little more energy. (i must im sat up at 2am writing this lol....)

I cant wait for my next blood test to see if things are working, i really hope so.


09-12-08, 12:09
Andy and Pads :hugs: :yesyes: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-12-08, 23:08

Just thought i would give another update after my GP appointment today.
How are you doing with the Cholestrol diet Padds? Im not doing too bad and was quite pleased with my GP appointment she has given me another 8 weeks to have another blood test before she prescribes statins to see if it is lower has she weighed me again today and i had lost 11lbs:yesyes: since my last appoinment a few weeks ago and also my blood pressure was normal which is a first for me when i visit the docs. The doctor could see i am trying real hard to change my diet and lifestyle and believes it will help lower my cholsetrol.
My scan results came back too, my ovaries all looked normal but the bad news was there is scarring on my left kidney and also a cyst there too. She told me not to worry she will contact the hospital again for me to have another scan in 6 months to check it hasnt grown. I also had a smear while there, i havent had one for a long long time because of the agorpohobia so thats another thing out of the way.
Christmas is going to be hard food wise but im not going to over indulge.

All in all im quite pleased with myself:) .

Thanks for reading