View Full Version : Blood Test Question Please Read

17-11-08, 13:54
I have had a Dr's appointment this morning and I was told that there was no need to do a bllod test because I had had detailed blood work carried out at the end of Aug/begining of Sept. Is this standard practice? Would things not have changed in the interim?

Thanks for your responses in advance. :)

17-11-08, 13:59
When I worked at the hospital it was routine to do blood work every 6 months or so. Most of the time nothing happens within that short period of time especially if it was an extensive workup. Rest assured that your doctor is correct.

17-11-08, 14:01
seems pretty standered to me, I have blood work done once a year, mainly just to make sure my anxiety isn't been cause by an over active tyroid! and to check my iron levels and to check for infections.

17-11-08, 14:05
Thank you both for responding so quickly; much appreciated. More responses welcome of course

17-11-08, 16:49
I think I should be geting more bloods done too
My Dr says that because I had them done mid August she won't order more
Seems to be normal for them to do this , even though I don't agree in my circumstances!

H x

17-11-08, 17:54
I had blood work at the end of July and the doctor wouldn't do any more last week because they were normal.

17-11-08, 19:05
I think that's normal practice.

When my weight was very low due to anorexia I had blood tests every couple of weeks, but now I gained weight I only have a blood test annually and that's only because I have an underactive thyroid so the levels need to be checked to make sure I'm on the right dose of Thyroxine.

If tests are normal it is not normal practice to keep repeating them.


18-11-08, 04:21
My doctor sent me for blood work for many different things and then sent me again about 4 weeks later. I noticed that he had requested my thyroid test again and I know that the last result was normal so I asked the lady that drew my blood if things can change that quickly and she said yes. Turns out this time my thyroid levels were low??