View Full Version : xenical

17-11-08, 16:31
i have just been prescribed this has anyone been on it?

17-11-08, 17:29
thanks bunny

do they just make you lose tummy fat or is it all over - also were you on anti anti deps when u were taking the,m

17-11-08, 17:49
i really want to start them but with my health aniety i even worry about taking paracetamol - im scared ill have an allergic reaction to them

17-11-08, 19:09
Hi Bab

I took them 'unofficially' as I have an eating disorder and bought them myself to help me lose even more weight. I wanted to make sure I wasn't absorping any fat at all.

As has been mentioned I think they are effective in helping someone to change their eating habits to eating a low fat diet due to the side effects if you keep eating a diet high in fat - it isn't very pleasant. Other than that if used in conjunction with a healthy diet they can be very effective.

If you are worried why not speak to your doctor again about your concerns?

Karen x

17-11-08, 21:09
thanks so much pureobunny and karen - since i have been on ssris i have gone from a size 8 to an 18-20 and dieting is not helping so my doc suggested these to help alongside a weight management group x

21-11-08, 17:45
im worried about taking them with my anti d you think its ok?

21-11-08, 17:54
I have been taking them and I lost three stones. If you eat too much fat you get diarrhoea. I put on weight when I was forced to give up nursing. They will be OK with your other medication. The doctor won't prescribe them for you if there are any contraindications.

21-11-08, 19:34
oooh sounds fabulous trixie - your on cipralex arent you?> thats what im on - and u take both?

21-11-08, 21:32
oooh sounds fabulous trixie - your on cipralex arent you?> thats what im on - and u take both?

Yes with no problems (I only take a small dosage of cipralex, the doctor put me on it because I was very upset about one of my cats.)