View Full Version : I feel sick - can't eat

17-11-08, 18:07
I have been suffering from anxiety for 4 half weeks (so the docs say anyway), I feel nervous and can't eat much. I am not being physically sick when I eat, but I eat very little and then I feel full.

Has anyone else got this prob?

17-11-08, 18:27
Hi Vicki

I am going through this at the moment. I sit down to eat a meal and take a few mouthfulls and that's all I can manage, I feel bloated and my tummy feels like it is churning and doing all kinds of weird things. I find it is best to just eat small amounts often then I can digest better. I have had this symptom many times in the past it comes and goes.

Hope you feel better soon


17-11-08, 18:50
Hi Vicki

This one is a vicious circle. The more nervous you are, the less you can eat and the less you eat drops the sugar levels which can raise the anxiety. I am not a big eater at all but i try to just have little bits regularly.

Please try little bits even when you don't feel like it hun, even a cup-a-soup or some fruit can help.

Hope you feel better soon

Love Lisa


17-11-08, 19:03
Thank you to all who replied, I appreciate it very much.

I feel totally sick :( it's awful. The worry has been 4 weeks solid, thinking I am seriously ill. I have had ECG scan, oxygen levels tested (as my breathing as been dodgy) nervous stomach everyday, I had a full chest xray and urine taking three times, but yet in my head i'm thinking I'm ill with something awful.

No docs I have seen have taken blood (7 in total) all saying it's anxiety after doing examinations on me and looking at my eyes, ears, temperature fine, blood pressure checks fine, but I feel so sick today, can't eat.

I haven't felt sick like this the last 4 weeks, just nervous, but today really sickly.

The worrying thing is: I have cramp/aches in the right side of my body, sore of in my back by on the side and (without sounding awful) I finished my period 2 days ago, but i'm getting watery blood when I have a wee (not in the wee) just a little when I wipe, which is adding to the nerves. I am a mess and I can't deal with this anxiety.


17-11-08, 20:34
I'm feeling exactly the same. I just tried to eat my tea and could only manage a few spoonfuls and I also have the cramps and aches in the right side near my hip. It's really scaring me that I can't eat very much and I'm sat here on my own crying now because I think something must be seriously wrong with me. I'm scared to go back to the doctors because they don't seem to take me seriously and just want me to go for CBT.

I hate feeling like this.:weep:

10-12-09, 08:20
I also have this feeling in times of high stress. The feeling reminds me of morning sickness. I usually try to eat something salty with a soda and find that burping helps a lot. The cramp on my side is usually a gas pain. I think it is because I ate something my body doesn't agree with. I find the best cure for anxiety is a support group. Find someone to talk with about my feelings and get the aired out. Also, focus on solutions as to what I can control and where my part is and try not to focus on the problems I can't control. The serenity prayer is a good one. Another good thing to do when Anxious is to write. It is sometimes difficult to trust and and open up to others and I find if I journal out my feelings it gives me good perspective on things. Also, I try to write a gratitude list and list my positive characteristics.

Good Luck sick feeling people. I hope my sickness leaves soon too!

10-02-10, 18:32
Hi , I have the same feeling and don't know what to do I really am worried as I havnt been able to eat anything for 2 days now and I know I have to eat but I feel sick everytime I try also I'm light headed and cannot sleep at night any advice would be great.

11-02-10, 12:19
I'm exactly the same. I feel so sick sometimes I just can't eat. It's scares me to death as well because I have a fear of vomiting so when I start to feel sick I make myself feel 10 times works because of my fear and anxiety. It's terrible

28-03-10, 08:29
i'm the same, i have been feeling sick since July 2009 and couldn't eat, i went to my doctors and they told me it was depression i had, so they gave me anti-depressants and anti-sickness tablets. i tried them for 10 weeks and they didnt seem to help me what so ever, so i went back. by this time i lost a good bit of weight with not eating. they took some blood tests to check for any abnormalities but they all came back fine. i was then admitted into hospital with severe stomach pain and nausea, i was given an endoscopy which showed a small infection inside my tummy, i was given medication for that, the told me once that was clear i would be back to normality, but i wasnt. it still kept going on and on, losing more and more weight with not eating. It is now march 2010 and im still feeling the same, nausea, sickness and not eating. In july I weighed 15st and now I'm just 8st. I'm really starting to worry. I am 23 with for young children ages 5, 3, 2, and 1. I dont want them to see me like this anymore, I am also scared incase they follow in my footsteps, and most importantly I dont want them to lose their mum.:weep:
Please help me.:weep:

28-03-10, 10:25
Dear Sweetchick,

You must be a brave lady if at age of 23 you have 4 kids.

It is a great effort to carry them, then to bring them to the world and now to look after them. You poor body got so exausted that at this oint it just started to scream.

You have to find help and try and rest more. The kids need you healthy.

I hav two kids and my 1st breakdown was associated with my exaustion of looking after my 2 kids. And it went further from there....

Youa are still eating even little bits, eat small bits, juices, fruits, andything that you can possibly like to eat.

I am currently recovering from flu - which brought on the bout of panic attacks and anxiety, i lost my senses, appetite and got diarhea...and I cant eat much either. Actually last night i had 2 slices of pizza and mango and tea. This morning I was sick,.... but i know its because of antibiotic....

you are not alone

p.s. also one tip - when i had a really bad periods with eating I was bying baby formula to drink - as it is full of nutricions and all necessary vitamins, this calmed me down, and eventually i started thinking less about the fact that i was not eating, and finally appetite came back...

07-10-12, 13:10
I don't know if I am suffering from anxiety but I have the same symptoms, some days I can't eat at all and the thought of food makes me want to be sick but I will make sure I eat something even though it is like force feeding myself, but somedays I can eat a lot and enjoy it. I went to the doctor and I have been 3 times, I had a blood test but they came back normal so I dont know what to do, someone please help me. I also have the biggest fear of being sick so if I feel ill I won't eat because I'm scared of throwing up.

07-10-12, 21:43
You are not alone. I feel so sick at the moment due to HA. Can't eat properly completely lost my appetite and the thought of food makes me nauseous. I just wish it would go, I know it will at some point, but when that is the question.
Do you think you are anxious about anything?

09-10-12, 09:39
Yeah that is exactly the same as me, how long have you had it? And no I'm not anxious, stressed or anything