View Full Version : Relaxation CDs

15-06-05, 10:37
Hi there,

Does anyone use CDs or tapes to help them with their relaxation?

I am going to make "deep relaxation" part of my daily routine to help with my GAD, and after a disastrous first attempt last night I think I need some audio assistance.

Does anyone use anything that they find helpful and that brings down their general level of anxiety?


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

15-06-05, 10:48
Think I may have answered this under a different post.

Totally recommend Glenn Harrold Cd's they are all relaxing but I started with 'Complete Relaxation'.

Love Piglet

15-06-05, 10:49
Yes i use relaxation tapes to help me and they do work. I got mine from an organisation called no panic. Let me know if you want their phone number

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

15-06-05, 11:28

I have Enya on and that seems to work with me, There is a new relaxation cd out i forget what is called it's in woolworths i think it's £19.99

Kitty x

15-06-05, 12:16
Hi Gareth

I think relaxation CD's are a big help when you have trouble relaxing by yourself, as sounds the case with you. It gives you something to focus your attention towards and are usually quite soothing. It can be very difficult to relax when you feel tense and restless and relaxation CD's tend to make that a little easier from my experience.

I think it's very important to relax too. Once you develop a routine it becomes easier as, again from my experience, I generally feel less restless when in a routine.


15-06-05, 12:46
Hi Gareth,

Yes i can recommend relaxations CD'S they certainly help I often play one whilst i'm in the bath.

I have just purchased 2 of Glen harrolds CD's of Amazon Complete Relaxation and Positive Thinking. I'm looking forward to listening to them.

Sometimes if i find words to heavy I play a CD which is simple like the sounds of nature the ocean etc.. and try to imagine myself somewhere peaceful beautiful and tranquil.

Hope they help you.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

15-06-05, 13:19
yes i find relaxation and hypnosis cd;s realy help but have to be used daily even if u feel ok. You could download some from some of the download sites, or if you get the name of tape you want try ebay? (but watch what you get from there i have got some rubbish ones) I even thought what about us doing an exchange tapes etc on here? I would be willing to coppy any I have if anyone is interested.

15-06-05, 18:32
I used to use them twice a day without fail.

Now I just use them if and when I need to.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-06-05, 18:35
I replied in your topic about difficulty with relaxing with an answer to almost exactly this question [8D] Glenn Harrold really seems to do it for me, as seems to be the case with a lot of others in here, I'd say it was a pretty safe bet.

I got the "Heal your body" and "Unleash your true potential" cds, which are both pretty good.


I'm not insane.. really