View Full Version : all over pain

17-11-08, 21:27
Everytime I lie down I have seem to find it readly difficult to move again, this include turning over, or getting out of bed. This is the same for when I sit down on a sofa or sometimes a normal chair. My problem is much worse at night time or in the evening. All my muscels seem to hurt so much, sometime its a few seconds before I can stand properly and start walking again. I feel like a really old person but I am only 26. I have a bad jaw and also my neck has been very painful for about 6 or 7 years.

I worried I have a muscel desease or something and I cry most night because I dont know what to do and sometimes I just want to go to Switserland and end it all.

Any advice recieved greatfully thanks

17-11-08, 21:40
I don't think that you need to go taking off to Switzerland any time soon. Instead, take yourself off to the doctor and demand a full investigation into why you are experiencing all this pain. It may be something trivial that requires medication, leave Switzerland for the people who have terminal illnesses and for who medication can do nothing for. You may be able to live a full and rewarding life once you are diagnosed. Also i would mention to your doctor about how you are feeling (quote: sometimes I just want to go to Switserland and end it all.) If your condition is making you this low & desperate then your doctor is bound to take action.
Good luck x:hugs: