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View Full Version : shakyness and derealisation

17-11-08, 21:54
Hi i'm new here

I started becoming really anxious a couple of months back where i started shaking alot at work and waking up from sleep so tired and jittery where i would jump from one position to another. I went to the doctors and they give me citalopram, the first night on that felt like i was going crazy and i believe it triggered a long lasting very scary derealisation condition. I immediatley stopped the citalopram 3 days after started 20mg of it. The derealisation is still with me now but is no way as scary as it was when it first began. I managed 4 months without medication and when i realised that it was just anxiety i began to take some action and stop fueling it. I started bodybuilding and jogging. The derealisation started to fade away. I then decided i wanted to try medication because i've always been a little anxious. I started on effexor around 4 weeks ago. Effexor for me has been alright, nothing like what citalopram done to me. It's made me fear certain things a bit less and perhaps makes me laugh randomly a bit more happy and a bit less strung. Sociially though it does nothing. It reminds me a little like an ecstacy comedown though. I feel realy manicy shaky and weak and when i add a stressfull situation to that it makes it alot worse. But i understand that it's a stimulant and maybe it's not the right thing for me when it's the shakyness i want to go. I don't think i'm depressed just very anxious. I just wonderd if anyone has any advice on a different medication that maybe theyve had success with or do you think these jittery will fade with effexor? I've only been on it 4 weeks like is say and i'm on 150mg just upped it though from 75.

Oh and for anyone who experiences derealisation i have huge sympathy for, if you don't know what that is it's pretty damn nasty. I'd be happy to give some advice on that