View Full Version : citalopram withdrawal

18-11-08, 01:37
im new.. be gentle!!

been on anti depressants for over ten years... whilst on them ,,,have finished loads of jobs due to often missing a dose and ending up off my head.. or extreme tired ness/drowiness/ whilst on them mean me having days off... anyway am taking control of my life am ready now ,,, so i have been reducing citalopram for last 2 mths under psychiatrist... gp referred as advised me against coming off them or if i did would need specialist help.. think she thought i needed them as do have history of anxiety in my family. anyway been reducing from 40 to 30 one week ... 30 the next....30 to 20 week after now just taking 20...havent had any side effects as yet.. i know lots of comments bout this but can honestly say except for odd brain shake and a bit of sweating...ok and have days where i can sleep for britain.. it is the best decision i have ever made. i feel in control of my life and in the mornings wake up so much more alive....so any1 who feels ready to come off them see your gp and arrange to see a specialist llike i did who will see you regularly unllike the gp. who was happy keep on giving me repeat prescriptions over the years!!! am on 20 now hopefully come off alltoger. if you think you are ready get the support...and never ever stop them completley ...xxxxxxxx

18-11-08, 11:29
Hi Jennie

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

You are so right in pointing out that reducing medication should always be done under your doctors supervision.

I am so glad you seem to be doing very well.

Nice to meet you.
Love Lisa

18-11-08, 12:17
Glad your reduction/withdrawal is going well. Welcome aboard.

Incase you don't know there is a forum especially about medication and also sub-forums below that dedicated to each of the common medications.

I read that it can be hairy reducing some/most of the medications. If you feel the need to reduce slower do approach your doctors. Even the packet instructions on mine say that while many people can come off over a month others can take 3 months or more to slowly reduce.

Bare in mind that you may be able to pause at a lower dose than before and then attempt further reduction later. This might be helpful if your body's own mechanisms need a while to catchup with the change.

Good Luck.

18-11-08, 12:23
hey welcome to NMP! it is nice to meet you. your right about coming off medication under doctor's guidance. glad things are doing better for you. hope to see you around the boards soon. xxx

milly jones
18-11-08, 17:03
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx