View Full Version : is this anxiety? :-(

18-11-08, 10:01
where do i start, well about 4 or 5 days ago all of a sudden i got bad stomach cramps. soon i had to run to the loo with diarrhoea :-( and after going about 3 times and taking some loperamide all within about an hour or 2, it stopped. I went to the loo normal in the next days, then yesterday evening i got the cramps again, and terrible gurggling and than i had the diarrhoea again, twice and again loperamide and it stopped. Now i am so scared it can just start again at any time! I don't know what to think it is really. I have been having a bit of a gas and some nausea as well. Couple of days ago i started on citalopram, i was on escitalopram before, but not citalopram. So i was worrying about the side effects, but i started it after the first incident of diarrhoea so unless this two are not related, it can't be the med...
Do you think this sound like anxiety? I have this fear of diarrhea, i always have although generally my problem was constipation mostly, never diarrhoea so far. I just worry it is going to start and it won't stop...:weep:
Thanks, guys...

18-11-08, 12:27
You know there are tummy bugs going around:mad:

18-11-08, 13:25
Hi Trixie, yeah but this would be strange for a tummy bug, have a short episode and than be fine ang go to the loo normal for couple of days and than have another short episode, it is just weird.
I worried about the first time but when it setled i forgot about it really. Now after this another one, i can't stop thinking of the cramps and diarrhoea starting again :-(

18-11-08, 19:10
Hi Trixie, yeah but this would be strange for a tummy bug, have a short episode and than be fine ang go to the loo normal for couple of days and than have another short episode, it is just weird.
I worried about the first time but when it setled i forgot about it really. Now after this another one, i can't stop thinking of the cramps and diarrhoea starting again :-(

But didn't you take medication to block you up first time?

18-11-08, 19:24
I did take it that time once. I went to the loo normally after that til yesterdays episode...

18-11-08, 19:26
hiya milla

sorry your not to good right now

could all this be to do with your pregnancy hun mabe talk to your doc see what they can do to help

jodie xxx:hugs:

18-11-08, 20:32
Oh Jodie, i didn't really write about it, it's been very difficult, i lost it...It's been a while now.

18-11-08, 20:36
awwww milla

i am so sorry to hear that hun ,yes it must have been very hard for you .
you be kind to yourself for a while hun and remember there are ppl on here who care and will help you i am sure all of what is going on with you in your anx ,and what has happend to you will maybe make it a little worse for you for a while hun
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

jodie xxxxxxxxx

18-11-08, 20:43
Thanks :hugs:
I was feeling quite depressed afterwards, plus my anxiety was so much worse. I feel less depressed right now, but the fear i feel worrying myself over the symptoms is quite bad at the moment. I couldn't think about anything else today other than will i get the cramps and diarrhoea again... I have to finish something important for work in a day or 2 and i just can't get on with it at all cause my mind is on my tummy...

18-11-08, 20:53
hiya milla

from when i have been talking to you ,you seen to be so focused on your tummy and this is what we do when we have and i think we take a part of the body and worry there is something wrong with me it has been my heart .
thing is Hun with you it might be that you have ibs ,or it might be your anx making you feel the way you do .
one thing i am sure of it there is nothing serious wrong Hun you have had tests and seen your doc i would try get on with your life as much as you can and try not to think to much about it see if it subsides

jodie xxxxx