View Full Version : Stenson's Duct *sigh* i need Advice please

18-11-08, 10:19

about a week ago i went to the doctor again .. just my Gp because this thing on my cheek is still there and dosent seemt o be getting any better... im not sure if its getting worse or if its my mind running wild... is it possible that i just think it looks worse? i ask my wife to look at it and she says it looks the same... i went to the doctor and i showed him the inside of me cheek .. he got his light and looked in my mouth and said it was nothing to worry about... he didnt even take my money he didnt charge me for the appointment!!! its been a week and i looked today and its still there its red abit and theres little bumps... my gp said it was nothing to worry about.. to be honest i dont even know if he noticed anything wrong... but i see it.. its red and there little bumps coming from under my skin i know its there!! but doctors dont see anything!!!! im stressed and freaking out... im so tired of this!!!!!!!!! its red with bumps dosent that mean theres somthing wrong!?!? please someone help me out here

18-11-08, 10:26
Hi, I always sometimes get bumps in my mouth due to chewing the inside of my cheek and not even realising, I also grind my teeth really badly at night and this causes some irritation - could any of these be causes? I'm sure your GP would know if it was anything to be concerned about, it is their job after all...try a little bonjela to ease it and see if it clears, or maybe a visit to the dentist would put your mind at rest, hth x

18-11-08, 11:04
Hi, I always sometimes get bumps in my mouth due to chewing the inside of my cheek and not even realising, I also grind my teeth really badly at night and this causes some irritation - could any of these be causes? I'm sure your GP would know if it was anything to be concerned about, it is their job after all...try a little bonjela to ease it and see if it clears, or maybe a visit to the dentist would put your mind at rest, hth x

hello.. im positive im not chewing that area.. its impossible for me to chew... im just so worried i have seen a dentist and a doctor... and they tell me its nothing.. i feel maybe they arent seeing what im seeing because i see that area and its red and discolored and theres little bumps coming from under the skin.. ive had it for a few months now... here is one of my preivious posts .. there are a few more but this one will tell u abit with whats been going http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=37476

18-11-08, 11:17
hi I get bumps in my mouth - almost like exra skin in one area. I dont know what it is but in mornally goes after a week or so.

your doctor doesnt sound svery reassuring!


18-11-08, 11:22
Hi Malv, had a look at the previous posts...I think you need to chill, I agree with the previous posters re this, i'm positive your Doc or Dentist would know what they were looking for and most definitley would have done further investigation if they were in the least bit worried. If it was something very serious you would have had more symptoms by now. The body is full of lumps and bumps that are nothing to worry about, try to relax and focus on something positive - looks like you have a little un and i know from personal experience that this can really exasperate the old health anxiety as you realise just how much you have to lose - so what i try and do is instead of worrying about what if's when i feel really bad is to go and do something fun with my wee guy and appreciate what a great life i have and how lucky i am to have my little toots and give him lots of great memories for the future.

Chill you are fine, deep breath in deep breath out...xxx

18-11-08, 11:23
hi I get bumps in my mouth - almost like exra skin in one area. I dont know what it is but in mornally goes after a week or so.

your doctor doesnt sound svery reassuring!


it has been there 3 months now.. ive seen both a dentist and a doctor
i feel they arent looking at what i see... i donno im just freaking out abit.. wich is a shame because ive been doing so good :(