View Full Version : DISGUSTED! - I've been to the Doctor

18-11-08, 10:26
Well folks - I went to the doctor yesterday and explained that I am had experienced hours of overwhelming panic which comes in waves every so often. I said to him that last Tuesday I suffered a major episode and am really only recovering from that now.... and with a look of complete disregard, this is the exact response:

"Everybody feels levels of stress - what would make you any different"

I cracked up at this and said to him, that what makes me different is that there is no control about my levels of stress and panic - I then asked him if he ever had experienced panic attacks; which he ignored.

It was then that I decided I wasn't taking any cr@p from this guy. He asked if I do sport, which I told him yes, but I haven't done any within the last 2 weeks for fear of dying and then told him:

"Yes, to someone who has never experienced a panic attack, that probably makes me sound like a lunatic - but I don't care, cause I know my own body"

He promptly logged onto his computer and obviously read from a script, telling me I need to identify the triggers of these panic attacks; and address them head on. He then signed me up to an CBT course (I will create a further post about the CBT later). after this, he got up and opened his door, basically marched me out of his office. I immediately booked another appointment at the reception and said I had some unfinished business with the doctor. Got another appointment for 30mins later and went back in and said that I wanted blood tests done just in case my self diagnosis was wrong. To which he said:

"Why do you want blood tests":ohmy:

I was astounded and I said "In case there is something physically wrong with me. I wanted to know whether my PAs were being triggered by some inbalance"

So he reluctantly ordered blood tests.

On the way out of his surgery, I said I will be looking to find a doctor that possesses more knowledge in this particular field than what he obviously had got. He said I was more than welcome. Then then wished him well and told him I hope you never have experience of a panic attack, and if he did to give me a call and I'd recommend a doctor to him.

He was not happy. But I was disgusted at my treatment (lack off)

Anyone else have similar experience!?!?

18-11-08, 10:44
well done you, for not taking his crap :yesyes:

My doctor is the same he normally just goes on about my weight, he thinks losing weight will make me feel much better. He says things like I could survive on a dessert island for 2 weeks with out any thing. Hes not supportive off my anxiety. I normally see other doctors if I want test done. Imve got doctors tomorrow with a new lady so Im hoping she can help me.


18-11-08, 10:58
irish doctors are ejets!
mines ok though, change doctors if you can, don't waste anytime waiting on you doctor to help you.
you know what we offten forget! DOCTORS WORK FOR US, we pay them, their whole purpose is to help us,

18-11-08, 11:42
Mishel - you are absolutely right! People should absolutely not forget that it is our tax that goes to paying these people - some of whom are so sanctimonious that they act as if they are debasing themselves and doing us all a favour by even looking at us. Grrr....

It makes me really quite angry when I hear that GPs are being so incredibly unhelpful and actively rude and obnoxious. It is hard enough trying to find a GP these days never mind a helpful one!

One GP I went to see wouldn't do anything until my mother marched me back into his office and refused to leave until he had both made a phone call and written a letter referring me to a private psychotherapist. He was a bit taken aback, but too scared of my mother not to do them! I was only 18 at the time and had been in a complete and utter state for a couple of weeks. Another GP said I was having a heart-attack (at the age of 17?!?!?!?!) and sent me to A&E to be hooked up to an ECG machine when I was actually having a panic attack! Honestly, a bunch of lunatics! And they call us mad?!

anx mum
18-11-08, 11:48
Yes my doctor exactly the same she wouldnt give me a bloodtest so i went private i was disgusted with her.

18-11-08, 12:14
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: WELL DONE YOU!!!!:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

That doctor sounds like a prize plum. I'm laughing because i think what you did was BRILLIANT, going back in 30 minutes later, now that is class. Jings he must have got the fright of his life when you walked back in.

I was picturing all that as i was reading it.

Well done for standing up for youself

Love Lisa


18-11-08, 12:37
Is there any wonder that few anxiety sufferers ever really overcome their condition when so many doctors take this attitude?

Yes! I have witnessed this kind of thing before. My mum is as chronic anxiety and has had for 33 years. She is addicted to benzodiazapenes. Every doctor she as ever seen uses her anxiety and addiction against her. They never take her seriously, and on many occassions they have mis-diagnosed her in favour of blaming the anxiety or medication.
I too have experienced predjudice due to my anxiety. My doctor was always reluctant to send me for blood tests or refer me to relevant specialist because I have anxiety. I have recently changed doctors and I was almost in tears when I left his surgery (tears of joy) At last I have experienced a G.P who asks the questions (opposed to me telling him whats wrong) and he is sending me for every blood test possible.
I think you need to ask about for a doctor who as a good understanding of anxiety and depression. Someone who has got a good track record of patient empathy.
You deserve a pat on the back for standing up to your doctor. Not many people have this strength when suffering with anxiety so WELL DONE YOU!

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

18-11-08, 14:31
My Dr is the same and THANK GOD I am going back to australia, where my life long Dr will be able to help me.

This is the nhs for you and NOT ONE BLOODY DR THERE HELPS YOU AT ALL, THEY THINK YOU LOOK FINE SO YOU MUST BE OK, I WAS TOLD TO HAVE A BABY AND THAT WOULD TAKE MY MIND OF THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cos I mentioned i didn't want to try for kids any more cos my anxiety was that bad

18-11-08, 14:43
Bloody well done you, that must have taken guts.

Some doctors are awful with dealing with anxiety & unfortunately it is trial & error finding one that will help you & give you there time & experience.
You have a right to a full check up so i am glad that you demanded that. xxx

18-11-08, 16:49
omg, I can't believe a Dr told you to have children to cure your anxiety! What sort of a thing is that to day?!?!?!!?!? Lunatic!!!

You have all mentioned blood tests - can I ask what they can tell you about your anxiety? I've not come across having them for anxiety before...

18-11-08, 20:33

LOVE IT!!! I cannot wait to read your post on CBT.

Well done indeed, these bloody doctors (can I say bloody?) they are imbeciles!!!!! Unfeeling imbeciles at that.

I cannot praise you enough for going and getting another appointment for half hour later that is brilliant.

When you first suffer anxiety symptoms/panic you do feel that there has to be something wrong with you to be causing such ghastly sensations and symptoms. Of course you want blood tests, I did, wanted every test that the doc could offer. Mine wasn't keen either but she did them to shut me up.

How dare he be so patronising as to say that "lots of people suffer stress" - this is not ordinary stress! Anxiety is stress magnified a hundred times. I'm surprised he didn't tell you to go home and lie in a warm bath with some candles burning lol!!!!! Because you see this is the sort of thing that people (who don't suffer real anxiety) would advise, because of course lying in a bath with a few aromatherapy candles burning would ease "normal" stress.

Must just mention my doctor (sorry ex doctor) - I went in to see her one day literally not knowing how to get through another day with chronic anx. She sat there as I poured out my feelings and raised her eyes to the ceiling!!! She sighed a couple of times as well!!! I was livid. I begged her for some diazepam which she abruptly refused. Basically told me to go away and that there was nothing she could do. I was under the shrink yes and I know she couldn't alter meds or anything but a few kind or supportive words wouldn't have gone amiss.

Defo get yourself a new doctor and put in a complaint about this one. It makes me mad!

Take care xx

18-11-08, 20:39
Bloody's in the bible, bloody's in the book. If you don't believe me, take a bloody look!! Lol

I'm sure we won't moan too much about that one!! :biggrin:

Love Lisa

18-11-08, 20:54
bloomin Great!had A Few Bad Ones Myself Over The Years,but Luckily Have Got Good One Now,she'll Ring Me Instead Of Goin To The Surgery.i Wouldnt Of Put Up With That Either ,good On You.hope You Find One That Knows More &can Help You. Sue

Veronica H
18-11-08, 21:27
:yahoo: you kicked *ss good for you , but sorry you have not received the help you needed today. The Dr I have now is very nice but was not too well informed. I gave him a sheet with NMP website on and Dr Claire Weekes details. He says he will get some copies made for his patients. My last doctor told me to take a holiday, had no idea what I was talking about.
Hope you find a better Dr soon.


18-11-08, 21:36
I know just how you feel. If I go to my docs any problem is either because I am fat or I suffered from panic disorder and I dont even have it any more!

I've had a pain in my side for a month now, but whats the point of going?

Phil H
18-11-08, 22:05
my doctor is great....but they dont know how WE feel ,noone knows how each feels....my feelings are major and would say they are nothing like any of you have ever experienced,but then i would because i dont know how YOU feel.

18-11-08, 22:20
That sounds like something from League of Gentlemen lol

Did he say report to his house for games night? lol

Good on ya for not taking his bad attitude. It's his job to make sure nothing is wrong with you, if you turn up saying you have all those symptoms.

He just accepted you were having panic attacks and thought "ffs... it's not real" because he hasn't had it. People who haven't experienced it think we're fags mate I'm telling you.

I had panic attacks for months on end (check my first few posts lol) that took me out of life for around 6 months. It's a crippling illness. I think I traumatised myself too, thinking I was going to die everyday for about 3 of those months, didn't have a positive effect at the time I can tell you, but now I am a lot stronger than before the panic attacks and I was never weak.

Positives out of it:

1 - I haven't drank for over 6 months and don't intend to start again.
2 - I'm in physcally better shape as i exercise to helpo control anxiety.
3 - I have overcome something that can ruin peoples lives and got out the other side even stronger.

Just never give up however bad things get and you'll be OK. :yesyes:

19-11-08, 00:38
Hi baldy_dude,:)

I think that what you said to that doctor was brilliant!! :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

It is terrible that he had such an attitude. I came across one doctor 9 years ago who made me feel as if I was just putting it all on to get time off work - no understanding at all. Needless to say I didn't go back to her again. Thankfully I did find one who was very good.

It can be difficult enough to have to go to the doctors and tell them how you're feeling without them treating you so badly.

Good for you - keep up the good work!! :yesyes:

21-11-08, 11:21
Just an update folks - got my blood results back yesterday and it appears that the doctor wants to see back in this monday. He wants to talk about my blood sugar level.... I'm curious has anyone else ever heard of a link between high blood sugar level and panic attacks? Just curious if there is a link?

21-11-08, 12:48
omg, I can't believe a Dr told you to have children to cure your anxiety! What sort of a thing is that to day?!?!?!!?!? Lunatic!!!

You have all mentioned blood tests - can I ask what they can tell you about your anxiety? I've not come across having them for anxiety before...

Yes a stupid Dr, Even I knew it was not the right time to have kids, I was unwell and here he was saying no no it will be good for you.... idiot.

Well there is not a blood test for anxiety as such but sometimes anxiety can be caused by a thyroid problem or vitamin defficiancy, also we panic that we have cancer or something so we all demand tests to find out what in earth is going on, then after we rule out physical problems we can focus on the mental and hope that our Drs help us with that.

I hope that helps

21-11-08, 12:52
Just an update folks - got my blood results back yesterday and it appears that the doctor wants to see back in this monday. He wants to talk about my blood sugar level.... I'm curious has anyone else ever heard of a link between high blood sugar level and panic attacks? Just curious if there is a link?

I do know that if you have sugar level problems and you don't eat regularly you can have mood swings and usually cranky mood swings:mad: :winks:

But you would be best to ask your Dr for advise, well that's if he is helpful this time.

Natural Mystic
23-11-08, 00:58
Gotta say, all of the doctors I have seen at my surgery have been positive. All OK but 2 just fabulous, and really caring.

If i'd had one like you baldy dude I'd have done the same.

Oh and your story did tickly me

23-11-08, 21:49

I think I had an even worse experience (see my post 'panic at work'). I actually left feeling worse than when I went in.

I've had problems with my thyroid in the past and wanted a check up to check my symptoms weren't thyroid symptoms instead. The guy acted like I was completely wasting his time however (even though I only got 2 minutes from him). I have now written my complaint letter and shall enjoy handing it in tomorrow. Hopefully I will have better luck with another doctor... :)

23-11-08, 22:46
sounds like my doctor,loves his computer ,i rarely go to mine now,i used to go regular with my IBS,but since i started having panic attacks i had to go back.Ok,he prescribed tranqs and other things wich seem to have helpesd a little and i had ecg's and stuff ,but next i will ask to see someone who knows about anxiety attacks because my doctor hasnt a clue and you just cant get through to him.

24-11-08, 20:20
Yeah if your panic attacks are still in the bad stage then low blood sugar can trigger them. What did he say then? Diabetes? Did he eat his hat?

05-12-08, 12:34
OK - after having more needles stuck in me than the average vodoo doll, my clinic have finally arrived at a conclusion. My blood sugar level is actually too high, but they don't know whether that is a result of the panic attacks I have been having (liver produces more sugar to prepare for fight or flight); or whether the imbalance may have made me feel unwell, thus triggering panic attacks. But I've got a physical diagnosis anyhow..... thats something i suppose.
I've been trawling thru my Dr Weekes book and other books and am feeling great. Can I just advise everyone to give the method I described in my 'Cloud Technique' post, a go. It is really working great for me. Negative thoughts are just passing by - live for the moment and just keep as positive as possible!
Loads of Love....
the dude - getting back on track!

The Fool
05-12-08, 13:18
docters are idiots,i never really delt with actual docters just school nurses and social workers,my school nurse tried to blame everything on my family and the social worker asked me how she would no when i was better!!??? i gave up on help of docters or anyone but myself and my family really,they way i see it,if you have never had a panic attak ,you wont understand and there for you cant help me.

well done baldy dude for not taking the docters arseyness!!

10-12-08, 13:48
My doctor said once to me the best way to combat anxiety was to eat plenty of fruit and veg!! HO HO!
If only it was that easy eh??

anx mum
10-12-08, 13:53
Yes my doctor also refused to give me a blood test so in the end i ended up going private. When i go with physical symptoms i feel i get fobbed off with tablets.

17-12-08, 14:07
I know how you feel. I was seeing a doctor about it all (who was in the middle of doing blood tests) but i felt so bad i made an emergency appointment (where you get any doctor available) and i saw another guy n i told him i wanted to be referred for CBT n he just told me there was nothing he could do (complete lie! coz the other doctor i went back to has since referred me) n that it wasn't an emergency appointment! I think most doctors are used to having patients where they can say, 'this is the problem, here's the medication that'll make i go away.' Panic attacks aren't like that and more doctors need to realise this. The good doctor wanted to do blood tests to be sure nothing was wrong but i cannot say i wanted to, i didn't think anything was wrong (obviously nothing was wrong) so if a doctor doesn't want to do blood tests i can understand- they don't want to feed the anxiety.

17-12-08, 22:48
There are several points I wish to make.
1. I have learnt after seeing several doctors - we are still in the dark ages about anxiety. They tend to know as much or even less about anxiety as the general public. But they have to appear knowledgeable otherwise they wouldn't be doing their job but often they are just as confused about it as ourselves. One day this will change and there will be a revolution and people will be offered viable alternatives to what is available on the NHS now.
2. If you go to the doctors with anxiety issues you can only expect to get the following responses.
a - Here is a bunch of antidepressants - go forth and multiply - job done - tick box - Its laughable about the randomness sometimes they choose these. This is a favourite one and doesn't require any effort for them or too much money. One day this will hopfully change....
b - Jabber on, make a few clever clever remarks and dismiss you.
c - Offer counselling or CBT - a good doctor will try and do this if they are taking you seriously. Unfortunately the NHS cannot cope with this and if you work forget it. I had to go private but it worked for me.
d- Offer blood tests - Often it takes a bit of pestering to get this but if you are clear about your physical issues and focus on them instead of the anxiety you are more likely to get a response. As soon as you mention panic, anxiety, or depression, the firedoors go down. Its best not to mention them if you want your body checked out otherwise they will defaut to a and b which requires little brainpower or effort and gets you out of the surgery as quickly as you go in.
****In short when talking about anxiety and panic to doctors one has to be clear and focused which is hard as it is part of the symptoms of the illness to panic and become confused. I had to take someone else into the surgery
with me to make discussions more clear cut as I wasn't making too much sense as I was tired and disorientated. If I was on my own, I don't think I would have ended up getting what I wanted and probably be suffering side effects to antidepressants I don't even need.

When entering a doctor’s surgery - be sure what it is out of a,b,c and d you want from the doctor and aim for it. Fortunately, although I have had a run of very bad doctors over the years I am lucky enough to be look after by a knowledgeable, dynamic and modern team who talk to me like an adult. I'm not doctor negative, I just know that some parts of the NHS these days are finding it hard to cope with the pressure of a rising population and have very little money.


18-12-08, 14:15
wow baldy-due..way to go matey!!I am so glad i rad your posts as i had blood tests done and was sent to the nurse sayng i may be borderline diabetic as my blood sugar was raised..i have beeen worrying ever since,,she doesnt know about tmy panic attacks as my dr has not bothered to tell her..so now i know why this may have happened:yesyes: thank so much for the info.And good luk with the cbt..he may be a heartless swine your dr but at least he got you the cbt..mine thinks it all baloney!!!!Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxx

21-12-08, 08:02
Yeah I went to the ER so obviously I had a panic attack. I didn't know at the time I had one. The lady at the ER just looked at me like I was looney. I wouldn't have gone to the ER if I seriously thought i was in trouble. She explained noting to me. I had to find out myself it was a panic attack. Sometimes they make you feel either bad like your bothering them or your dumb. Gotta get a good doc!

21-12-08, 20:41
Good for you! Don't take S*** from anyone at any time especially for PA's.
Docs. are usually so out of touch, much like everyone else when it comes to PA's. You REALLY can't know panic until you've suffered an attack.