View Full Version : So fed up with feeling like this

anx mum
18-11-08, 12:03
Hi. So fed up going back to my doctors today been feeling unwell for 3 months now. With chest pains, dizziness, pins and needles, breathing is the main problem at the moment. Just getting me reall:weep: y down

18-11-08, 19:26
Hi Anx, Have you had any CBT? or have you thought about trying hypno?

anx mum
19-11-08, 09:08
Thanx for replying. No had no cbt. Doc is now gonna change my meds cos not doing anything.

19-11-08, 10:39
The symptoms you describe are classic signs of anxiety, I would imagine everyone on this site has experienced them at some point. When we get anxious we "over breath" and this gives a feeling of breathlessness, pins and needles, dizziness and chest pains. I remember years ago going to a self help group and they asked me to breath really quickly for 2 mins and low and behold all the above symtoms soon followed.
Try and relax. x

19-11-08, 13:59

I know it is sooo hard to believe but the breathing thing really is anxiety, I have it too and its so horrible, as soon as I acknowledge it it gets worse and worse. I hyperventilate all the time without realising I'm doing it, and my body gets so over-oxygenated (sp? lol) I can get dizzy and tingly extremeties and lips, and racing heart, and chest pains! All that stuff, if I get particularly bad I will go to the doctor, even if only for reassurance., but am really trying to stop this as its getting a bit much now! My biggest fear is my heart so I can understand how you feel, only yesterday I had a panic attack on the train because I was getting chest twinges and breathless, but when I really tried to breathe properly (little breath in, long breath out, through the nose) I managed to get control of myself before I made a big scene!

I want to try Hypnotherapy as I think it will really help with breathing and generally relaxing! Have you tried breathing with a paper bag for a fw minutes, it can really help even out your oxygen levels and lessen the breathlessness.

Really hope you feel better,

ps. I tried writing you back a message but it says your inbox is full so it wouldnt send!

26-12-08, 03:39
im feeling really panicky right now my breathings irregular fast , but also can be short breaths making me feel theres not enought air horrible tight heart feeling and sometimes short stabbing pains docs,hospital paramedics all say its anxiety , theres a little spike on the ecg they say they notice but its not a problem i think and feel like sometimes im going to die im having this now its horrible pls help me im 28 years old danny my g/f just looks at me like a scared rabbit its not fair on anyone this i want iot to stop pls im running the bath im praying to god thisis going to calm down this dizzy feeling and my heart from hurting me

26-12-08, 03:45
also if i phone paramedics its as if im wasting there time thel say ecg shows normal but i feel pain

26-12-08, 03:45
also theres a wierd confused feeling i my head

27-12-08, 18:17
The breathing problem is really unpleasant and scary. I have felt so unwell for months ' had lots of tests but havent had any positive answers. Do you feel the need to yawn a lot to get enough air
take car Dor

27-12-08, 18:53
Hi Anx

Hope you start picking up soon and the doc helps. Good luck xx