View Full Version : Bit of advice - last symptoms

15-06-05, 15:15
Hello all - after some reassurance or advice please.

Doing great generally, lots of relaxation, facing fears etc and regaining lots of normality...but

One last thing is bugging me. Like most people my worst and main sympton was the throat stuff, and general panic. Throat is good now, very rarely causes concern. Up until recently I had never experienced any chest pain however as I am more relaxed I am for sure suffering some actual physical symptoms.

I think they are stomach related, some nights I wake early with pains in my chest and back, if I take some gaviscon they usually subside. I am left with quite a hard bloating in the stomach area though.

I don't have acid reflux, but deep hollow empty belches (nice!) but for over a week now I have had a constant ache internally (not muscle) just under my left shoulder blade and ocassional sharp stabbing chest pains.

I have gone through a bottle of Gaviscon in two weeks and stil getting teh symptoms daily. Do you think I need see a doctor? I do still worry in teh back of my mind that it could be my heart. (don't we all) what does everyone else think? Aditionally when I get the chest pains my shoulder tighten across teh top and under my left arm hurts??????

Any suggestions welcome really I am not hysterical about this (yet meg ;)) and trying to ignore but it is getting on my nerves now.

Thanks everyone x x x x

15-06-05, 15:23
Hi Angie,

Your symptoms sound like maybe some heartburn or indigestion since the gaviscon is working....

However, I get a lot of chest pains and pains in my arms with anxiety too as thats how my anxiety presents itself with physical symptoms. Have you had your heart checked just to be sure? Maybe you are best just speaking to your GP just to give you peace of mind, otherwise you may worrying more and make your symptoms worse.

Hope you feel better soon


15-06-05, 17:14
Hi Angie

I have had all the symptoms you describe, particularly the chest pains and neck ache. I am feeling much better but these symptoms are still with me occassionally which then brings on the panic instead of the other way around.
Belching is also a symptom of anxiety and one I used to suffer a lot with.
AsSadie says it might make you feel better to see your GP to give you peace of mind.
Take care

Elaine x

15-06-05, 17:20
Had an ECG in casualty in Feb during a bad panic attack, they said it was OK, can you deteriorate in three months?

15-06-05, 17:21

With all the anxiety you may well have irritated the tummy lining somewhat with excess acid especially as you have always been a bit Rennie friendly .

You could progress from rennies and gaviscon and buy some ranitidine 75mg over the counter and give that a chance to protect you or if it persists please do go and see the GP and get assessed and possibly get some Losec or generic equivalent prescribed for a month to give your innards a chance to heal before it causes more trouble.

How's the vino intake late at night ?

I don't think its cardiac in origin.


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15-06-05, 17:48
Hi Meg - I hear you re the vino[:o)]

I am trying to cut back, usually have my first glass of wine about 6.30pm and eek the bottle out over the evening, last glass just before bed.

Going to half my wine intake for a month and see if that helps.

I am eating better, which makes it all the more frustrating.

Keep you posted, thanks all.

15-06-05, 18:02

Wine defininately aggrevates my acidy stomach and so does spicy food, eating too much and too late in the evenings.

I take Losec and it is wonderful.

Alka Seltzer calms it down as well. Also drinking milk helps me.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

15-06-05, 18:09
Good move.

Try and stop alcohol earlier in the evening and then move onto something more soothing..


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...