View Full Version : Anyone else feel like this?

18-11-08, 13:54
Hi there,
I've just had a bit of an anxiety set-back and was just trying to work out how I actually feel.
I am tired pretty much all the time, I am fatigued and lethargic. I am off-balance and have pains in my glands, my hair is lank, my skin is bleurgh!, I have no libido and I am irritable beyond belief. However, I do not feel particularly anxious or even depressed (maybe just a bit fed-up!).
If anyone else were describing these symptoms I would suggest they were run-down. Saying that I have health anxiety so I am (naturally) thinking the worst. My G.P is sending me for a full fasting blood test so if there is anything wrong this should show up.
I was wondering if anyone else was feeling like this but not feeling particularly stressed or anxious. How would you describe your general wellbieng?

18-11-08, 13:55
Sounds abit thyroidy mate, yep Full blood work will do it mate. xxx

18-11-08, 14:56
i constantly feel like this!

19-11-08, 00:04
:yesyes: hey im ceejay
im 18 n i av asthma but i also get shaky n my chest goes tight n can feel my heart beatin fast - but i dnt panic so dus n e one no wat it is ???:shrug:

Cathy V
19-11-08, 00:08
Hi ceejay and welcome. Seeing as how you dont get panics, it sounds like it could be connected to your asthma. Is it well controlled? Might be worth having a chat to your doc again about your tight chest.

Cathy :)