View Full Version : Is it the pain or the anxiety that comes first? and also hello!

18-11-08, 17:10
Hi Everyone I am new here and would like to introduce myself, I am a 26 yr old girl and have been suffering with HA for what seems like my whole life. I've been relying on this forum for comfort the last week or so and thought it was time I said hello, rather than just lurking! :D

I was trying to think where my health obsession started and I realised that I have had this from a very young age, when I was about 7 until I was about 8 I was petrified I had a tape worm, no idea where I got such a notion from but I wouldn't eat much incase it fed the worm, sounds silly but it was terrifying and this was my first proper 'obsession', I seemed to have blocked this out until I remembered it recently. After the tape worm from about the age of 9 or 10 I was sure I had a brain tumor, as I got very bad migraines (which turned out to be my sinuses lol).Then came the bone cancer fear which I had for most of my teenage years, I was so convinced I had it, as I got growing pains, and cried myself to sleep countless times.

I can see now I planted the anxiety seed very very young, anyone else remember when there HA first started?? Through uni I was mostly ok, but I did slowly start to get a horrible fear of my heartbeat and this is now what dominates my life and every waking thought. I have been diagnosed with costochondritis (inflammation of the chest wall muscles, but harmless) which causes me a lot of pain at times, horrible twinges of pain right over my heart, but I am still sure I have an undiagnosed heart condition and will just drop dead. My brain cannot escape this thought, it is totally all consuming. When I get dressed in the morning I make sure I look nice, with clean undies ect.. in case I die that day. Its a horrible way to live I know, and I need my brain re-wired.

Anyone else here have costo? I also get very breathless (I think this started when I read it is a symptom of heart failure, funnily enough). I have been better last few months but now I feel I am right back at square one. I have horrible panic attacks and in the last year I have been to hospital in an ambulance a few times and had a lot of ecg's and blood tests (all normal) but why does this fear never ever leave me??? I once got myself so worked up by heart rate went up to 210 bmp, and the ambulance guy looked really worried and I think this is also haunting me.

I;m really starting to think the only way I can feel better is to have ne of those heart scan thingies the ones that show the heart in 3d i'd have to save up though as the heart one is about £500 I think, but I think I really need it, when I think of my heart I picture it all black and shrivelled like Mr burn's heart in that Simpson's episode! I feel I cannot rest until I see it with my own eyes that it is not all infected or cancer ridden or with missing bits! :ohmy:

Has anyone here ever had one of these scans???? I think they are called lifescan or something? Am I being totally irrational? I know I am but I want some sort of peace :-( Why can I not accept that the ecgs I have had and doctors (I have seen about 8 doctors in a few months) would detect if I had heart trouble. and I feel sad the CBT has not really worked for me.

I think this fear is made so much worse by the fact we cant see our hearts, same with brain tumor fears ect..Also I find that anxiety, especially HA is like the chicken or the egg question, which comes first? Is it the anxiety or the pain cause most of the time I cannot tell!

Sorry for the super long post but I would love to hear about everyone's story that got them here and especially if anyone has a particular health concern, would love some reassurance.

Thanks for any replies!!!!!

18-11-08, 17:30
Hi Kitty

I will move your Thread to the section named 'Introduce yourself'.As a new member, people will want to welcome you to the site and you will get many replies. :biggrin:

Best of Luck

NMP Administrator

18-11-08, 17:32
Hi Kitty

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:


18-11-08, 17:52
I have costo too chick it isnt fun.nor health anxiety!! if u wud like to chat please add me on msn or catch me in chat room or if not pm Lol
lots of love Best wishes C.xx kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com

18-11-08, 18:08
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:30
hi there and welcome
Pooh x

11-12-08, 20:27
Hi Kitty


I hope you will find some peace from all of this by reading other people's experiences on this site.

I think that you could go one of two ways, each test could instill more confidence in you that all is OK.
However it could just as easily be an endless road of torment, and if you are not reassured by the ecgs you are having then maybe the question is exactly what test is going to satisfy you?

I am where you are right now, and i know exactly how you feel but Im trying CBT and thats working quite well.

Also I hope this doesnt sound ridiculous but have you tried distraction? I find tidying about the house a great thing to take my mind off it.

x Feelfine

11-12-08, 22:25

I went through the same though of thinking that the only thing that would keep me happy is if I had a 3D scan of my heart. Then I had a chat with a very good Cardioligist who reasurred me that I was not "on the way out"
Try to focus on the positives and as previously mentioned some sort of distraction method. It will all work in the long run.

Have confidence in the Doctors, if they thought you needed a scan then they would send you for one. They haven't - so that's a big positve

I was terrified to do any sort of exercise or activity that involved any effort because I was sure I would drop down dead, but of course I didn't. I would be lying in bed listening to my heart pumping and think that something was wrong and of course there wasn't. Again these are positives. With positve thinking it will get better.

12-12-08, 00:01

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:D

12-12-08, 01:49
:welcome: to nmp...glad you've decided to join.

Im sure you will find the help and support you need here and you'll meet some lovely people here along the way.
Good luck...

13-12-08, 15:41
Hai kitty, i always link my dizzyness to heart failure and my chest pain to heart attack. Everytime i got chest pain i will freak out, and in my mind i will said i am going to die, i am going to die and i don't want to die alone. Everytime i dizzy or had chest pain i will go to my room, i don't want my family see me dead infront of them. I did take ecgs test and blood test and it normal. But i still believe i had heart problem. I don't know is it because of my panic disorder or my agoraphobia that make my chest pain and my dizzyness.
Just like you said, i really want 3d test for my heart, but as you know it expensive... and i hope your heart is normal.. bye..
