View Full Version : ARGGGHHHHH Anxious about what might happen!

18-11-08, 19:41
Not a great title sorry but that all I could think of !!

I've been up since before 5 am cuz my van was broken into last nite and the hubby called and woke me to let me know on his way to work! All they took was change out of the middle compartment and left the door open so the battery was dead! But still it's scary!
I'm already an insomniac!!!
Now I just know I'll be up worrying about whether it will happen again or worse.
The what if's have got me and I know that I can't control everything but for crine out loud I never thought I would feel unsafe in my own home!
As you all know I was housebound for 4 years so my house is my safe place and for me to question that now is freaking me out!
The police came and said that we weren't the only ones it happened to which didn't make me feel any better!!!

On top of that.....
2 girls in the 20's went into the complex I work in (4 blocks from my house) and told the disabled people they were doing surveys for college nursing credit. One asked to use the restroom and stole drugs out of the medicine cabinet.
This happened at 2 apartments in the complex I work in and then later we found out they hit 4 other nearby towns too!

What is the deal with all the dishonest people in the world??
I mean I live in a tiny town!
All that's around us is corn and bean fields and cow and horse pastures!!

I guess I should be glad I don't live in a big city cuz it must be worse there!
But still now I'm anxious about someone breaking in the house while we sleep!!
If they ever did GOD HAVE MERCY ON THEM! Cuz I have a pitbull who is overprotective and a shotgun in my closet!!!
Guess I should get a sign to put on the front of the house that says "Beware of the overprotective pitbull and the insomniac with a shotgun"! hahahahahaha

Anyway I just had to get that off my chest!

18-11-08, 20:44

I like that "for crine out loud" - v. good.

Don't know what to say, it's scary for sure especially when you suffer anxiety. Could you take a sleeping tablet to give you a good night's sleep. As long as hubby is there he can deal with any intruders (not that there will be any I'm sure). He can stay on guard with pitbull and a baseball bat and you can have a nice sleep.

Honestly, try not to worry.

Do put that notice on your front door it's great.