View Full Version : Im so scared i have somethink a matter wiv me

18-11-08, 20:17
Hello everyone
Iam a wreck again and again but tmoro im gonna get a blood test to check my body out as im having scary symptoms that are symopms of serious problems which iam dreading. i have 2 small children and everyday i fear iam dying and iam gna leave them behind i just cant do that and iam constantly crying over this. anyway ive decided im deffo taking my prozac that my doc gave me tmoro cos i cannot handle these fears and thoughts in my head no longer!and im frightend that it wont make my anxiety worse becos of side effects...im sorry to post again but ive suffered for 8months and in that time ive had alot of scarey problems and now i keep putting all these symtoms into one ball and thinking that after all they could be all connected to dying?! iam 24 soon and i feel terrible the only time im ok is when im asleep my brain manages to shut down for a few hours. anyway my symptoms are as follows
I have dizzyness,
nerve pains-burning sensations,tingling,
chest pains which they say is costochondritis,
dodgey stomach-constipation,
weight lose when ive never been able to lose weight b4(but i did stop eating solids for 8wks),
my periods have recently been non existent for 8wks.(not pregnent),
Now last few days i have had swelling well i think its swelling underneah my chin and both sides of my neck is painful and feels like its burning but i did have sum alcohol gel rub splash on my neck on sat wondering if thats caused this??
Feeling tired and weak all the time,my entire body has pains,aches and cramps all the time ...its a constant vicious circle wiv me i get one thing after another though.
Thinner hair-malting.

i know alot of these symtoms cud b from the anxiety but they could also be from my body trying to tell me theres somethink wrong its horrible does anybody have any advice for me as iam at my whits end so def gna ave a blood test cos havent had one done since i was pregnent last year,so i will see.Thanks for listening
Best wishes C.xx

18-11-08, 21:17
hi... i just want to try to put your mind at ease. from the symptoms you listed, a lot of them can be explained by anxiety. (i'm not a doctor and you need to definitely get checked out, but i would bet you are fine.) anxiety and stress can do crazy things to our bodies. shortness of breath, upset stomach and digestive issues, chest pain, weight loss, chills and sweating, the list goes on and on. and you mentioned that you had lost weight... honey, you said you stopped eating solid food for 8 weeks -- of course you lost weight! and your period has probably become irregular because of the rapid weight loss. did you intentionally stop eating solid foods? was it an attempt to lose weight? was it for medical purposes and/or directed by a doctor? i think you need to get checked out by your doctor (just to reassure you that you aren't dying) and then focus on being healthy. eat right, relax, exercise, enjoy your children! i know it's easier said than done, but i'm sure you're fine! best wishes!

18-11-08, 21:20
me again... the thinning hair could also be caused by the weight loss... actually a lot of what you've described could be caused by rapid weight loss -- the tiredness, the aches and pains. have you spoken to your doctor about that? like i said before, if you didn't eat solids for 8 weeks, it's no surprise that you lost weight. i'm not trying to be a smart ass, but maybe you are just hungry!!! are you eating solids now?

18-11-08, 21:37
Hello Cthechick,

Really sorry to hear how down you are with this horrible health anxiety. All the symptoms you describe and the way you are feeling are so typical of anxiety. It would be a good idea if you could see your doctor when you have your blood test, so you can talk to him again about the way you are feeling. I know he has given you some prozac, which you are reluctant to take, but perhaps he can reassure you about the medication he feels will help you. It is difficult when we have health anxiety to put trust in what the doctors tell us, but there is every reason to believe he will be able to help you to feel better about things; it can take time, but there are various treatments which can be very helpful, and it is awful to suffer like this without taking some action. These thoughts are very frightening, and sometimes it does get all too much to cope with; the anxiety takes over, and it is so difficult to keep our thoughts rational. You are not alone with this - plenty of people are here to help support you.

18-11-08, 22:27
Thanks for the replys ,no i didnt stop eating intentionaly it was from a throat problems yet again made worse by anxiety, everytime i swallowed i thought food was getting stuck in my throat so i ate soup and water,chocolate for 8wks i dnt not ave eating disorders or anythink but i jus cudnt eat solids i was scared of chokin as wen i did swallow they felt likethey got caught in my throat.anyway i went to ent and had camera put up my nose and into my mouth and doctor said no cancer tumour like i was fearing he said that it was jus acid reflux causin my food pipe to b inflammed and anxiety was making it worse and he gave me tabs which helped to sort the throat problem out and i can eat and have been doing so for about 4wks now so i think i cud b jus slowly getting bk into my normal eating pattern.my hais lose startedroughly after havin my 2nd child so im putting that down to hormones aswell see im gna see doc and ask for hormone check etc so i can stop living in such fear. i know alot of this cud b anxiety but im jus worried sorry thanx u very much for reply s keep the postives coming xxxxx