View Full Version : Big Day Tomorrow

Veronica H
18-11-08, 21:40
:unsure: Well Guys,
I have finally decided to confront my fears and visit the same hairdressers where I had my huge panic attack in the summer. Armed with my Dr Weekes techniques I hope to face/float/accept and let time pass as my hairdresser tackles my hair. ( It has not been cut since). I went to the hairdressers myself today to make the appointment as I thought if I could walk in and look around again it might help with the actual appointment. The hairdresser was very helpful and said she would book me in for tomorrow incase I change my mind. I am determined to go. I will let you all know how I get on.


Phil H
18-11-08, 22:02
Good luck

18-11-08, 22:13
Hey Veronica,

That is very brave - and I am rooting for you 100%. I have a similar anxiety about the hairdressers and I finally got my hair cut (had 6 inches off and my hair still reaches below my shoulders which just shows how long it had been since I had it cut last!!) after over a year and a half at the end of October... and it was fine - my hairdresser was really friendly and I spent so much time looking at what other people were getting done to their hair, that mine was cut and dry in no time at all!

All the best and do let us know how it goes tomorrow!

x x x

19-11-08, 00:37
aw that so good, yay, I hope it goes well x if you feel uncomfortable you can alawys make an excuse and go outside for a few minutes,
foe me (I can't stand telling people I have anxiety and getting that*look) I say I get heart palpitations sometimes and I need some fresh air.
I need to get my hair cut too,
hey please let us know how you get on! x

19-11-08, 08:02
Hi Veronica

Wishing you lots of good luck for today hun:yesyes: !


19-11-08, 08:09
Good luck to you face tolerate and endure the symptoms that might arise until they pass well done for all your efforts. Have a good time X

19-11-08, 08:32
Hope it goes ok and your hair looks lovely xxx

Veronica H
19-11-08, 13:28
:yahoo: Yes I did it. I had to wait a while when I arrived at the salon and during that time had burning sensation travelling up my arms, head and chest and thought I would leave but just ignored it. It flashed a few times after that but kept good old Dr Weekes in my head. I nolonger look like Hagrid, but she has got a bit carried away and I do look like Harry Potter. (So son Says) but I am happy anyway. Thanks for all of the words of encouragement everyone. As Doctor Weekes says ' a journey made with panic is as valuable as a journey made without it ' or words to that effect.


19-11-08, 13:55
I nolonger look like Hagrid
LOL that made me smile:) !

I bet you look lovely:) !

Well done for coping so well Veronica!:yesyes:


19-11-08, 13:57
LOL! Nothing wrong with looking like Harry Potter - he had a fashionable hairstyle!

WELL DONE on getting your hair done!! Such fabulous news! Your achievement was brilliant!!!!

19-11-08, 14:09
Hurrah and well done you !!!!