View Full Version : i feel so angry!!

15-06-05, 19:52
today i feel so angry but im not realy sure why, i just have this uncontrollable urge to go outside and scream at the top of my voice. i can actually feel it in my stomach the scream wanting out. anyone know how i feel? i feel realy frustrated with myself that i just feel like banging my head against a brick wall or slap myself across the face for being me. all my family think im this happy kind of person and the health visitor came today and i had to re-do my depression questionaire and i just put down im fine as there was no questions about feeling angry with yourself.i dont know why my mum puts up with me, she has been amazing, she has been like my carer and she never complains but i feel so bad for her, she has cared for me all my life and now i have left home she should be enjoying her life not revolving her life round me.


15-06-05, 20:14

I think lots of us feel like that at one time or another.

I remember especially feeling like that right at the beginning of my anxiety and I wrote a whole page of the 'f' word which seeing all those 'f's' on the page did make me feel so much better (what a rebel wahay)!

Now I just punch the hell out of pillows till I get it out of my system - thankfully thats not too often.

Love Piglet

15-06-05, 20:21

I know what you mean, If im around others it takes my mind off it, but this morning and right now i just feel like I wanna burst and it feels like your going mad! Luckily i dont always feel this way!!

I havnt tried the punching pillows thing, maybe its worth a go!!

Tatty B xx

15-06-05, 21:13

My advice is go and do it - scream away - it will relieve some tension and like having a good cry it will make you feel much better.

Hope tomorrow is better for you.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

15-06-05, 21:17
thanks for the replys. maybe i feel this way today because my partner is away to glasgow all night and wont be back till tomorrow and its the first time i have been left with my toddler and newborn. although i used to live on my own with my oldest son only last year. maybe its because its the first time with the new baby. im feeling pretty panicky tonight though. plus i constantly fear my partner is going to get fed up with me and find another woman. be he always assures me im just being silly, we are getting married next year after being together for five and a half years, yet i still get paranoid.x.


15-06-05, 22:21
Go and have a good scream sometime soon. I used to insist on going to the seaside in the week when the tide was out so I could have a good temper tantrum. Only ever lasted about 5 mins but was so therapeutic ..

Vigorous exercise helps too and thumping pillows or cushions or getting a boxing thing to take it all out on .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-06-05, 00:41
Hi Denise, hoping your feeling a little bit better today, it will be difficult for you having two young children, I like to swim if im angry but havent been for ages, i write lists, anything is worth a try Denise, take care, Alexis,x

16-06-05, 02:47
Hi Denise Sometimes I feel like that too... Like I think I just might start screaming and dont know where it is coming from..


16-06-05, 09:08
My mum bought me an inflateable punch bag, great for letting rip when you feel really angry. But pillows work just as well.

It is hard to explain why we feel this inner rage.
I think it is a mix of flustration, envy of others who are "normal", burding others who care for you and the feeling that you have lost control.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

17-06-05, 00:02

Have a good scream and let out how you feel, that is normal and we all feel like that.

And as for your mum whether you are 2 or 20 it wont change how she feels. She will be enjoying her life by seeing that you are doing okay and that to her will be fulfilment.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-06-05, 08:50
Thats what mums are for. 'a mothers job is never done'.
I know exactly how you feel with the anger. I have got a 5mth old baby and I feel angry that he might not have a life if I'm ill like this all the time. Your mum wouldnt be there if she didnt want to be. I wish I had a mum like that...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-