View Full Version : My story

19-11-08, 01:44
Hi new to the forum, reading the threads has helped calm me down alot when my anxiety is at its worst because some of my symptoms are the same as people who are healthy or who have had them symptoms for years, so I thought i would share my story.

I recently believed I had a disease which I didn't want to get checked out for fear of actually having it, I lost about 2 stone in weight I couldn't eat because i was so anxious all the time. I avoided the issue for as long as possible but while at work thinking about it I had my first panic attack.

After that I knew I had to get checked out because i couldnt take it anymore I had the test but had to wait 2 weeks for the results in which time i had convinced myself I had it, but thankfully the test came back negative. I was so relieved.

I felt i was getting better then a few weeks later i was ill again, tired all the time with no energy, chest pains and swollen glands and waking up drenched in sweat completely soaking my bed sheets, this time i convinced myself it was lymphoma.

I went the doctors and he ordered more blood tests and it turned out to be glandular fever. Its taken two months to get over it and get back to my fully 'fit' self but a couple weeks later I had a pain in the left side along my ribs and diaphragm this time i feel like im not taking a full breath and am sighing every now and then and my muscles were involuntarily twitching every 30-60 seconds all over my body. so i went back again and had another blood test, testing everything, (i gave three tubes worth of blood) and sent for a chest x-ray and had oxygen saturation levels checked all of which came back clear .

My doctor said the pain under my arm and along ribs is probably due to my glands being swollen, the muscle twitching is harmless and the not getting enough breath is percieved rather then actually being physical.

You would think all the tests and doctors visits would have reassured me but i worry everyday i am ill and i check for lumps and bumps every few hours, i have trouble getting to sleep, im fed up of being anxious and my heart racing all the time i feel its really wearing me down.

19-11-08, 17:33
no responses? At least it was cathartic typing it all out

19-11-08, 17:45

ah yes the lovely chest pains and breathlessness, my nemesis! every time I get one I can literally feel my muscles tensing up and I get panicky, all the tests say otherwise but I am convinced I have heart failure (at 26 yrs old this is quite unlikely) but this is the nature of the beast. If you had glandular fever it will take a long time (6 months+) for your body to fully recuperate, it is so important you rest, and find some relaxation techniques, maybe buy a cd, I know this helped me a bit when I am at my worst.

I got very stressed about being breathless and still do even though the doctor says my lungs are just fine and all the tests are fine! I think night sweats is a late stage symptom of lymphoma so if you had it, you would def know by now.

I hope you manage to relax somehow because all the stress and worry are stopping your body from repairing itself quickly, the more you worry the longer it will take to heal, but you will heal and that is what is important.


19-11-08, 17:47
oh and also forgot to say the pain down your side really sounds like its just from your glands being swollen due to the glandular fever, they just need more time to recover!