View Full Version : Am I losing my mind???? Please help

19-11-08, 07:22
I keep worrying that I am losing my mind. This time last year I was crippled with anxiety and I am really scared it is happening again. I have become really touchy about the smallest things, I am convinced that no one at work likes me. I have a wonderful husband that is so understanding but he always seems to be working in the run up to Christmas. I keep telling myself that I am just feeling lonely but I'm really worried it is more.

To those who saw my post last night, sorry to bore you. But I got it into my head last night, well loads of other times too, that my friend at work hated me. My reasons are well....why unearth would someone like her want to be friends with an unhinged freak like me!!! Very positive eh??

Anyway I ended up ringing her and finally got through to her after 4 attempts. By this time I was crying and convinced I was the worst person in the world. I'm scared I'm having a breakdown. I said this to her and she said I should go and see someone......I hate it when people say that.

I cope usually quite well despite quite bad anxiety at times and health anxiety constantly. I have low self esteem and try too hard to please people often to my own detriment. I am really worried that I am going to end up a jibbering wreck like I did last year when I was off work for 2 months. I really can't afford to take time off as last week it was announced that there are going to be redundancies, decisions by the 5th Dec, so I have to keep going. I'm finding it hard but also know that stopping off work last year did me no favours at all as I slid further and further down till I wouldn't come out of the house and was physically sick before my husband went to work.

Please help, I just couldn't cope with being like that again.

19-11-08, 08:34
you cannot go on like thios, you need to speak to someone, like your G.P tell them how you feel, your friend in work is not being dismissive she is worried about you, it is natural that she is worried about you and wants you to be helped. It might be worthwhile seeing a counsellor and getting things off your chest, sometimes that is all that is needed. No doubt this redundancy business is playing on your mind and you are worried about your episode of sickness, people get ill and should not and forget worrying about Xmas, we put too much expectations on this time of year we and expect everything to be perfect, well its not some years it will be and some years it won't but it happens every year so if you are not feeling good this time around christmas comes every year and it might be better next time around.

Just try and keep your chin up for now hun, I know its not easy and it feels like the end of the world but remember you have beaten this thing before and will do it again.



19-11-08, 08:37
sorry I missed out a line I meant to say that people get ill and should not be penalised or thought any worse of for it.


19-11-08, 09:51
Hi Andrea

I am going through a similar experience in terms of my anxiety coming back. I had it last year, began to be ok and then had a very traumatic experience recently which has taken me right back. I am at work but barely coping and thinking of taking some time off.

What did you do last time to get over this? Maybe thinking back will help you?

I write this and think I probably sound sane and ok, but inside I don't feel like I am.