View Full Version : Got some lodgers Wasps !!

19-11-08, 09:04

Does anyone know anything about wasps? i have a dilemma this morning. We moved house recently and arranged for the loft insulating. Yesterday the guys came to fit it got all thier gear into the loft. tools, lights etc and when they turned the lights on thier where 4 large wasps nests!! They wasnt sure if any wasps where in them so they decided to throw something at the nests and they got attacked (or so they said)!! They shot down the loft hatch and sealed it but thier tools etc are still up there and they are not happy they want thier tools back!
I havent seen any wasps outside the house and i thought when the weather got colder they just died off anyway:ohmy: .

I have rang the council but they wasnt very helpfull, they have told me it will cost over £100 to get rid of them and they can come tomorrow.

Has anybody else seen any wasps about? I havent seen any around for ages? Or have they all moved into my loft for the winter !!!!


19-11-08, 09:09
The tend to be at their worst in Sept time. Though I noticed a wasp in my house last week.

My neighbour had a nest last year in a wall overlooking my garden so she got the council around. Did a neat job of it. Afraid getting them to deal with it is the best way. I don't think they die over Winter and I think they reuse nests so if you have 4 of them you probably will have more next year.

You are obviously a great hostess! Though you could try telling them that you are a Honeybee so could they buzz off?

19-11-08, 09:11
You are obviously a great hostess! Though you could try telling them that you are a Honeybee so could they buzz off?

LOL Sam i never thought of that ! Maybe they think i am the queen !!:winks:


19-11-08, 09:17
What is the point of wasps? Bees give us honey.. What do wasps do apart from get a slapping at picnics?

19-11-08, 09:24
hi matey i had same prob and called pest control people and man came out and sprayed inside my loft and they were dead in few days and never came back, he charged me 50 quid cash. hugs xxxxxxx

19-11-08, 09:41
What is the point of wasps? Bees give us honey.. What do wasps do apart from get a slapping at picnics?

Well they actually help me Sam because its the only time i run around like a idiot waving my arms in the air ! Its very good exercise and the only exercise i get !:winks: lol

Donna thanks hun:hugs: , well the council said it would cost £50 for the one nest and £12 for the the additonal nests plus the vat! I could do without spending over £100 pounds on blinking wasps need the money for xmas !


19-11-08, 09:42
Honeywasp xx ooops sorry, Honeybee xx ;)

There will only be one live nest if any. The other 3 will be old. Wasps don't nest near each other (bit like lads at different schools) they would attack each other.

Three of them are likely to be from other seasons.

It's the workers that die at the end of the year, and males die after mating with queens who then lay dormant waiting for the new season (and to start a new colony).

As I understand it, it is common for queens to return to the original nest area (hence 4 nests).

There probably won't be much point in treating those nests now, I would imagine the queen has gone, and if these geezers did see wasps, it's probably some stragglers.

I would wait till early next year, and get the ole man to keep an eye on that area. You will probably see a small nest start forming in spring (I think spring). This is a queen back, and is the ideal time to get rid of it.

You can do it yourself, but with so much in life, it's best to pay a professional outfit. At least that way, if wasps are present after a month or so, you can argue that you have paid once and they should come back and sort it.

How do I know so much? this house has had wasps, mice, ants (asbestos, man I am obsessed about that) and those other expensive pets that I have heard stick around for years, and even when they leave they come back. Damn what's the name of them, o yer I remember, kids ;).

Good luck

Jaco x

19-11-08, 09:46
Hi,We had a wasp nest in the loft a couple of years ago.The council said it was our problem not theirs.As we had better things to spend our money on,we decided to deal with the nest ourselves.
I lifted the loft hatch a little and sprayed wasp and fly killer spray into the loft.I repeated this twice a day making sure I gave long sprays each time.It worked.Hope this helps.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

19-11-08, 11:25
It's the workers that die at the end of the year, and males die after mating with queens who then lay dormant waiting for the new season (and to start a new colony).

I hate wasps! Have a horrible fear of them cuz I'm allergic but you have to admire the girly ones if only for the reason above ;)

Hope you get it sorted Andrea. And without having to pay an arm and a leg!!

19-11-08, 11:42
Thanks alot peeps:hugs:

Jaco thanks also for the very informative reply about wasps:) , you certainly know your pests dont you! I have made a note of your explanation about the wasp cycles, i have pest control coming tommorrow because the insulation guys need thier gear back! I wont let them rip me off now i know some of the nests are probably empty:) .

Thanks ever so much !:yesyes:
