View Full Version : Health Anxiety

15-06-05, 21:09
Since i have had all these different symptoms constantly everyday i have been worrying that i might die or have something really bad i think about it alot of the time and worry im going to do and cannot stop worrying which is not good and i really wish i could think positively instead of negatively im only 23 and apart from asthma im quite healthy! so i shouldnt just drop dead although it can happen to anyone!
I worry about lots of things that i could have wrong wqith me every symptom i get i think its something terrible.
The thing that worries me most is everyday i get a horrible feeling like something has their hand on top of my head and pushing down above my eyes like im not fully awake get that all the time an feeling very lightheaded and faint and dizzy everyday dont help either!

Sal x
15-06-05, 21:24
Hi Andrew,

I could of written you post.................I also suffer from health anxiety.

I am convinced that every twinge I get is fatal. But hey, I'm still here typing this.
Just think that your not the only one and there are people out there that can help. (I should listen to my own advice sometimes)

As fpr the hand on the top of your head, thats one of my most commen symptoms. THe light headedness and dizzyness are caused as a result of you panicing about the head pain.
Seriously.................nothing to worry about.

Are you on any tablets ??

My doctor has prescribed me Fluoxtine and I would really recommend them as before I was taking them, I could'nt leave the house to even go to work as I thought I would collapse from some strange disease any moment. These have helped me get 85% better as I am now back to work full time with not mant relapses.

Please PM me anytime as I know how you feel.

Sorry for ranting on.

Sal x

15-06-05, 21:44
Im on 10mg cipralex doc is trying to get me of them but dont know how id be without them!

Tonight im feeling terrible again im sweating feel very hot, weak, very tired, faint and getting pains in the stomach and very shaky legs etc and i do worry alot especially when i feel bad like i do at the moment!

18-06-05, 18:31
I know how you feel, I constantly worry something is wrong with me, and being deconditioned does not help either. Everytime I get a new sensation inside, I start to wonder and put the whole "symptoms to match the disease of the day" puzzle together. It sucks, don't go down that road.

I have been on betablockers for 6 months for high blood pressure, and they seemed to relieve the anxiety as well, until they started to make me feel bad. If you can stomach them, it seems to help.

They lower your heart's response to the adrenaline in your body and slow your heart, so if you already have a slow pulse they may not be for you.


I'm not insane.. really