View Full Version : Help me understand

19-11-08, 09:33
I've a history of throat issues, have been worrying for the last 2 years about throat/lung cancer. Had various tests done and they have all come back clear.
For the past couple of weeks I've been having ear ache on and off. It's never really, really painful and I think it's getting better (hard to tell when I'm constantly thinking about it). The trouble is I have googled in the past to look up symptoms of throat cancer. Disturbingly one of the symptoms is ear pain. I am now convincing myself that this is a sign of cancer. I went to see the nurse of Monday to have by blood pressure taken (another health anxiety I have at the mo) and I asked her to look in my ear to see if it was sore. Well it wasn't but she said it looked a "little bit" waxy. I was so pleased when she said it didn't look sore but when I got home I started thinking about it again and now think maybe it would have been better had it looked sore cos then I would have put it down to an ear infection!! I'm now worrying that it must be something further down my ear that's makking it hurt...i.e. throat cancer :weep: . I know I tell other people to try and distact yourself from areas of your body that are worrying you but find it really difficult to do myself!!! I wake up and the first thing I think about is my ear and I know it feels different (not normal!!). I do suffer with waxy ears and have had them syringed many times in the past.
I'm a 52yr old female who used to smoke (gave up 18 months ago) and although I wasn't a "heavy smoker" I constantly worry that I will be punished for smoking and will eventually get throat/lung cancer.
Please could someone put my mind at rest, I feel so low today :weep: .

19-11-08, 13:51
Hi Vinny

Have a hug from me hun.:hugs:

We all worry dont we so your not alone, every little ache and pain i get latley seems to send me into panic mode. But its all a normal reaction from someone who suffers anxiety.

If you have been suffering this problem for 2 years and had the appropriate tests then im sure nothing is wrong, its probably wax like you have stated and if you have had them schringed it may be a little upset in your ear from that.

You have to tell your self that you have had this problem now for 2 years and had the appropraite tests there is no way hun it could be cancer, 2 years is along time and im sure by now if it was cancer you would be having alot worse symptoms as time went on. if your not happy then go back to see your gp tell him about your anxiety worrys and he may be able to do something to put your mind at rest.

Love and hugs

19-11-08, 14:17
Thank you for replying Andrea.
I'm trying to be positive and not left this silly HA ruin my life, it's so difficult though.
I've been worrying about throat cancer for nearly 2 years now but have only just started worrying about my ear. The trouble is it was looking up symptoms of throat cancer that I discovered that one of the symptoms is a painful ear!! It started the whole process off again......really mustn't google.
Take Care x

19-11-08, 14:20

Slap your hands you are naughty!lol NOoooo Googling my friend !!:hugs: (says me thats done it too.lol)

Love and hugs

DaveThe Snapper
19-11-08, 14:29
Just keep telling yourself that irrational fears are part of the symptoms. I know it's easy to say that. You have had medical opinions on your state of health and you're OK. Believe in yourself!

19-11-08, 14:44
Theres alot to be said for health anxiety! And it's not very good!!

I think we can honestly say that, since these problems with your throat have been going on for two years & tests have all found nothing, then it quite obviously is NOT throat cancer. However, to you these symptoms are very real and no matter what you read or what people say to reassure you, you are not going to stop worrying about this. Not until you wake up one day and the fear as gone. This is what happens with anxiety, it feeds off your fears and the more you look into it and the more you question it, the hungrier it gets. I am a fine one to talk, but...... PLEASE DO NOT GOOGLE!

I too have HA and I know from experience that the only person who can rest these fears is you! Everytime you start to contemplate the symptoms, or think of cancer in any way, stop yourself! Think of something else, something that makes you happy, find something to occupy your mind. I know it sounds easier said than done but i promise you, eventually, you will starve the anxiety and your fears will subside.

I tell you one thing I do, I browse the internet and imagine I have £10,000 to spend. What would I buy? It sounds painful but it's quite good fun and takes your mind off reality.

I know it is not easy fighting your fears but you have to learn ways in how to distract yourself.

BIG HUGS LOVEY :bighug1:

19-11-08, 15:17
Thank you all soooooooooooooo much for your replies. It lifts me immensely.
Pink Piglet.......you talk so much sense and I will enjoy "spending" my £10,000 on the internet :-)

Take Care xxx

19-11-08, 15:30
One thing I discovered V early on during my (ongoing) 11 month bout of health anxiety is that tension can cause ear-ache. It is either jaw clenching or tight neck muscles that do it. Ear ache was the first physical symptom I got (and I too paniced about throat cancer). I discovered, though, that it went away at night and when I was relaxed...... is this the same for you? If so, it is just a tension thing......

19-11-08, 16:04
Hi Jojo
Thank you for replying. It's so reassuring to hear someone else has suffered with ear ache AND DOESN'T HAVE THROAT CANCER!! I never thought of it being tension but it does make sense because I do clench my teeth. It's not as painful as it was but just feels "different" (if you know what I mean).

Thanks again Jojo.

Take Care x

19-11-08, 20:19
If you are a jaw clencher have you looked up TMJ disorder? It causes a whole host of symptoms, including earache (and various throat things too).
Look at this:

20-11-08, 09:21
Thanks Jojo, you've been a great help.
