View Full Version : I Need Help wtih Anxiety and Stopping Binge Eating

19-11-08, 11:09
I have been a compulsive binge eater for many years until 3 weeks ago. I have tried many, many times to arrest this disease, but one day I woke up feeling very nauseous and spent a lot of time in the bathroom, with symptoms of anxiety. Since that day, I have not overate at all, have been eating nuitritional food, and sometimes, depending on my level of anxiety, I have even struggled to eat.
I do wake up early with the anxiety symptoms such as shakes and hot feelings, then get a runny nose and am wreetching for up to 3 hours after.
Has anyone suffered from an eating disorder had these sort of symptoms?
I have been to my gp many times for help as I felt so bad at times. I am taking tablets for depresssion, the shakes and nausea.
I have no desire to overeat at all. I am too scared to. Perhaps I am going through the "Detox" stage of my recovery, and that my grossly overwieght body is slowly healing itself and adjusting to the good food I am feeding it.
Has anyone been through similar situation? Not just with binge eating?
Many thanks Dietchick

19-11-08, 11:38
Heya, when i was growing up i had boderline anorexic and i dropped to 6 stone. I would not really make myself sick but obviously starve myself. looking back now i had a lot of anxiety symptoms then but at the time put it down to being ill. As you know eating healthly is sooo important and can affect the body in so many ways even binge eating is going to have a massive impact on how you feel shakes and hot flushes are defintely something i had. Are you getting any help with your eating disorder as i think once you address that issue you anxiety issues will start to subside. Also i had to get a lot worse before i got better, so perhaps thats what is happening to you. Good luck hun :) xxx

19-11-08, 12:05
Hi Tashbarnes87,
thanx for your most helpful reply and describing how you were feeling at these hard times. I think you are right, I may be feeling bad for a while longer in order to get better. I have just had the shakes and had a hot flush by the way, but told myself that nothing is gonna happen to me and just ignore the feeling. It is going away, although one feels quite ill at the time these sort of symptoms appear. I have just started going to meetings to help address my eating disorder, and to anxiety meetings. So I need to really give myself time to start feeling better, not to rush it as I will only get more anxious. Ha! Ha!
xxxx dietchick