View Full Version : Twitching hands & aches - help

19-11-08, 13:14
Hi, I initially found this forum whilst googling twitching fingers! i developed a twich in my left hand about 4 months ago ( index finger and thumb) and went to see a orthapedic (sp?) consutlant who said no signs of weakness etc so keep an eye on it..anyway, I have been unwell and rn down after an ectopic pregancy rupture and various complications and after about 7 weeks recovery time, the twitch is now back but in both hands and in other random areas too. As well as that my hands are now feeling really achy and stiff as are my arms. I've been back to my gp, and told him all this but also that i have been crying a lot and he has said it is very unlikely to be any of hte dire things i am thinking (MS, MND etc) and due to anxiety/PTSD and has prescribed diazepam and setratline (sp?)...I have taken a few valium but am scared to take the other, but am freaking out about my hands and am just looking for some reassurance - has anyone else experienced these kind of symptoms - every twitch brings with a gut wrenching feeling of panic like a roller coaster that never stops....

agent orange
19-11-08, 18:11
Hello.Please do not worry. I have muscle twitches all the time and they move around the body quite a lot. There are quite a few people who have posted on this forum who have these symptoms. I have had it in my thumbs and also my arms, legs ache quite a lot. These can be symptoms of anxiety and if you have been to the doctors I would try to rest in the fact that he has examined you. It is best not to google as there are some quite alarming things that you can come across. Check out these other threads about it.
Take care.

19-11-08, 21:22
Don't worry, i posted the same thing 2 weeks ago. I was having the most insane amount of twitches but after i went to the doctor and told it was nothing serious and was anxiety they cut out by 90%. I still get them but i ignore them. Nothing to worry about.

Note: Sorry to people in my thread that i didn't reply to, i spent 40 minutes writing a post and then lost it because i was timed out. I then spent another 40 minutes retyping it and when it was done i went to copy it using right click and when i couldn't i wanted to find another way to save it. I then clicked on the wrong thing, lost the page and lost the post again. Needless to say i was furious and gave up typing it.

19-11-08, 21:33
I can totally relate to you. I am a young mother of 1 and I had explosive body wide fasciculations (twitches) for 11 months now. Funny you mention your hands aching and cramping, mine do as well but I think of how much I "Google" (haha) and things I do with my daughter and its only a wonder. You did say your fingers were twitchy- that my friend is going to make you sore. Its like a muscle at use 24/7. Ever seen those bands you where around your waste to make you stomach muscle contract..thats like a BIG TWITCH and thats what your muscles are doing involuntary for whatever reason but I can bet ya like me it isn't detrimental. Do you get them in your thenar muscles? the pad under your thumb? If its a muscle it can twitch- Heck sometimes I feel like its not even a muscle but nerve just firing off I swear I twitch in places with no muscle which makes me think "Nerve Hyperexcitibility" I have seen a top neurologist who did clear me and I had a EMG and exam.
I was a TRAIN wreck until then and I do have my episodes ever so often. My advice to you is DO NOT GOOGLE, DO NOT GO TO AND NMD FORUMS *God bless their souls* and from experience dont go to Aboutbfs.com. I hate to admit it but its just as bad as the others.
This place seems like good company.
I wish I had longer to type but I need to tan (catch some skin cancer and get ready for a dinner party):yesyes: Relax, easier said than done but with what your thinking with these twitches WEAKNESS is the key and remind yourself that...and the more you strength test ..the MORE your gonna be twitchy and feel weak. Just think about how you feel after a good work out at the gym?

Warm Regards,

19-11-08, 21:54
thanks so much for all of these great replies - this twitching business certainly seems to freak out a lot of people, slightlyobsessed i can see you know exactly where i'm coming from :D

thanks again folks x

20-11-08, 05:46
Sharon, TWO PEAS AND A POD ARE WE??????? whats so nutty is with everyone else I think its normal but w/ me I think Im the one in one million exception :winks: ...
However God willing Im not.

Slightly Obsessed!

20-11-08, 05:47
Dude timing out when writing a long post, if that doesnt drive your anxiety lol THEN WHAT DOES???
Warm Regards,
S Obsessed!

Don't worry, i posted the same thing 2 weeks ago. I was having the most insane amount of twitches but after i went to the doctor and told it was nothing serious and was anxiety they cut out by 90%. I still get them but i ignore them. Nothing to worry about.

Note: Sorry to people in my thread that i didn't reply to, i spent 40 minutes writing a post and then lost it because i was timed out. I then spent another 40 minutes retyping it and when it was done i went to copy it using right click and when i couldn't i wanted to find another way to save it. I then clicked on the wrong thing, lost the page and lost the post again. Needless to say i was furious and gave up typing it.