View Full Version : surveys.

19-11-08, 14:01
hi guys

ok so someone just called my house said they were doing a survey,then went on to say is this your address ...is this your date of birth.......ect ect how the hell do they get this info i never fill anyting out online for offers or anything like that i am shocked they know so much and HOW :lac:

has anyone else had this happen to them ????

jodie xx

19-11-08, 14:04
Gosh Jodie

What was the survey for did they say?


19-11-08, 14:16
I ordered an item by phone and they got my surname wrong - no problem there (i even laughed at the spelling)
BUT the amount of junk mail (with the wrongly spelt name)I have had from companies NOT connected to the original is beyond belief.
Obviously the first company 'sold' on my name and address - BUT what happened to data protection. plus if you order a taxi they store your name and adress so next time you ring they answer 'hello ms xxx'
Privacy?:ohmy: whats that :ohmy:
:mad: :mad: June

19-11-08, 14:45
Ok years ago I was a telemarketer so here is how it works just between us ;)
I call you and say I'm doing a survey BUT in reality I'm getting info on your shopping habits or products that you might be interested in later so that I can put your name on a list to call back weeks later!
I don't ask you outright but there are sneaky questions that have been put together such as age, income, household size, kids, what type of work you do, etc that lets the seller know whether or not you might buy from them.
THEN any info I get on you which has already been passed to me from another company I add to and send it on and the company I'm working for gets paid for adding the info.
The way they get you is by saying "this isn't a sales call" but technically it is because they are gearing up to call you again at a later date!!!
I don't know if you have it over there but I always tell everyone. Go to the credit bureaus and OPT OUT!!!
They sell your basic info if you don't!
Call the do not call registry and get your name on the list of numbers! It cuts way back on the sales calls!
And even if they have info on you NEVER confirm it and say I NEVER BUY ANYTHING OVER THE PHONE!!!

Just a little FYI!

19-11-08, 17:36
if you order stuff or order a catalogue there will be a small print on the form saying can we give your details so other companies can send you stuff - they will only NOT send you if you tick it - its very hard to see and most people dont tick so other companies have your details but its generally just to send you junk mail and catalogues etc - eapecially getting to this time of year

19-11-08, 18:59
hiya guys thanks for your replies.


i am not sure what it was about lol they asked all sorts from do i like chocolate to have i got kids!!! but did not tell me what it was all about i did ask but he did not speak very good english so i was not sure what he said.


i understand we have had that happen to

eeyore lover

thanks for that info hun i think i was just thinking how on earth dose he know my address i know they can get your phone number i know they can ask all sorts of things but dose my address get given out to ????

jodie xx

19-11-08, 19:15

Alot of these companies get their information from the voters roll, which they buy!!! :mad:

Love Lisa


19-11-08, 19:22
that would have made me so paranoid!