View Full Version : my story- i am new here

19-11-08, 14:43
hI everyone- what a fantastic website- i just feel as if i have met a new, very good friend with whom i have instantly connected! I am Heather, i am 41, married with 2 young children, daughter, 7 and son,5. To be honest i have probably suffered with stress and anxiety for about 20 years but it is only in the last 10 that it has been recognised- before that i went through a whole load of tests- ie neurologist, ent specialists, psychologists (aswell as taking the alternative route- ie homeopathy, reflexology, herbalism)- i was actually diagnosed with m.e at one point in my early 20s. However, now looking back all of my symptoms have always been the same- they just flucuate over time and definately get much worse following times of ioncreased stress.
The symptoms that i mainly get are dizziness-like i am really off balance, extreme tiredness, sore eyes with focussing problems, weakness and panic- i am particularly anxious about driving at present as i had a panic attack last year when driving.
I am fairly unsupported looking after my children- as no family in area and husband works away alot. I have lots of people that i know and a few good friends nearby, i also take my children to the local church, which is a really positive experience for us all.
I am fed up of feeling under the weather alot of the time- i also feel very conspicuous and feel as if everyone is looking at me and thinking that i look awful and exhausted.
To most people, i come over as very friendly, chatty and confident- but inside i feel low, unsure of myself and fed up with it all
i am hoping that i will meet lots of people on here to share advice and support with- to offer mutual words of comfort and possibly get to meet up with some at local meet ups.
i really look forward to hearing from you- please feel free to respond to my message
take care and love to you all

19-11-08, 14:46
Hi Heather,

Nice to meet you - I'm newish too.

Like you I was diagnosed with ME when I was younger, but I am now wondering if it was anxiety instead. I get all the same symptoms as you so understand how difficult they can be.

19-11-08, 14:51
Hi Heather,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I can totally relate to all the symptoms that you describe.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

19-11-08, 21:14
hi heather

i am new to the site and hope to meet new friends on here. I have the same symptoms as you but also suffer with palpatations which are very un nerving. i have just started on propranalol to try and curb the anxiety seems to work for a while but i feel as though it wears off and the same problems come back. good luck and hope you feel better soon

20-11-08, 09:03
thanks for all of my welcomes- i hope i will work out how to use this forum effectively and will no doubt speak to you all soon- if anyone ever feels they want to speak to me please pm me- i would always love to hear from you.
take care and lots of love Heatherxx

21-11-08, 09:31
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:40
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x