View Full Version : Eye twitching, anyone help before I start googling

19-11-08, 16:29
For the past week or so my left eye has started twitching, it happens several times a day 20+ will twitch for a few seconds and then go away.

I mentioned this causually to a friend today who said I had that years ago and I went tot he doctor and it was some kind of deficiency, she said look it up online. Now I don't really want to do that because I am convinced that I am going to come across the work tumour or cancer at some stage and really start freaking out. have been so good for the past 6 months not freaking out about something, so the sooner I can put this to rest the better, don't really want to waste the doctors time if its something simple.

If anyone can help that would be great. :yesyes:

19-11-08, 16:32
Mev, don't google...see my freak out post about twitching earlier - this has become my huge HA topic of late and googling only made it a million times worse. The eye is one of the more common places to get twitches but they can appear all over and can last for quite a while as well. It is really annoying though...mine has been in my hands and now my hands are really sore as well but i think thats due to to much googling!

you will be fine and as a fellow twitcher you have also made me feel better x

19-11-08, 16:33
Hi Mev

I have had this many many times over the years, i dont really know what causes it but it just goes away as quick as it came.:)

Just wanted you to know your not alone:hugs:


19-11-08, 16:34
yeah mine goes funny too sometimes, don't worry. But if stressing you out, go to the Doc, DO NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The docs is the professional, not google!

19-11-08, 16:42
Ive had this even before I had anxiety, so has many of my friends. Ive never thought any thing off it. And its nothing to worry about xxx :)

19-11-08, 16:47
wow thats some quick responses lol.

Thanks you have made me feel better and I promise no DR GOOGLE, I think I have well and truly learn't my lesson there.

Thanks guys :flowers:

19-11-08, 16:50
Hellooo Mev, i get this all the time i once had it for 3 days above my heart and it was the weirdest scariest thing ever. i thought i was having a heart attack lol i asked my doc in passing and it has a lot to do with over tiredness infact tiredness plays a big part in most anxiety symptoms. He said a little bit of rest would help and guess what it did! Do not google! i did and of course it comes up with cancer it always does but its nothing more than a twitch, doc also said that it can occur anywhere so just cos its on the ear it doesn matter

:yesyes: xx

19-11-08, 17:22

i used to get this it happens when i am really stressed and also if i am staring at the computer for a long time. hope this helps

19-11-08, 17:27
I have recently had this and had every test possible and they've all come back fine. My doctor said it was a a mixture of stress and anxiety over my health worries.

19-11-08, 17:38
I have had this for so long over the years! first time i got was when i was doing my exams at school and had taken lots of pro-plus (could not even look at pro-plus now without having a panic attack, all that caffeine!:ohmy:)
and stayed up late studying, had it for weeks!! its from tiredness pure and simple, I had it again recently at work, for about 2 weeks after working a particularly hard project and staring at the computer way too much!!! really really don't worry, this is one of the few things that does not worry me as I know as soon as I get some rest and stop stressing it sorts itself out. I used to try and catch it happening while looking in the mirror, a few times I did and it looked really funny! so yes, no googling and this is a classic sign of your eyes telling you they are tired!
take care

milly jones
19-11-08, 19:45
i get this if i have to talk to someone who im not comfy with

my eye twitches repeatedly, like a tick

take care and dont google xxxx