View Full Version : cant deal with feeling like this

19-11-08, 17:28
hi everyone,

i have got myself really upset tonight i just dont know what to do anymore, i want to get my life back and stop feeling like this it is taking over everything in my life and i dont want it to, how can i make this stop?
yesterday it was twinges and ovarian cancer today its a mole, when will this ever stop,
i dont know why im worried about this mole it is on my own it looks like it is 2 moles more or less overlapping each other it is more or less round shaped but where i think the 2 meet it just dips a bit so it looks like a kidney bean but not quite as defined dip if that makes sense, it doesnt itch etc etc and i have got other moles aswell that arent quite round but they dont woory me

when will this stop, i cant take this anymore

sorry to moan but ive really had enough

19-11-08, 18:33
You, (or should I say 'we' as I do this all the time too) because you are constantly body scanning, a well known trait of anxiety sufferers. If you look hard enough there is always something for your anxiety to feed upon! I think the trick is to stop scanning, but I haven't quite learned how to stop myself doing this yet, even though CBT did help a little, but I have a long way to go yet! Currently I am obsessed over heart problems, before it was lung cancer and bowel cancer, I've even had a tapeworm obsession!!! its amazing how our minds are constantly searching for something to worry ourselves about!! so you are not alone, and hopefully one day we will get through this and live life the way it should be lived!!!

look after yourself,


19-11-08, 18:38
hi matey, im so sorry this HA is getting u down so much, the only way i was able to deal with mine when i had it bad like you was to keep busy and not think to much, but i know how hard that is.

the thing with anxiety is it always hits u when u feeling low or not too good, so it affects you more, u need to try to lift your mood alittle hun and try and find something to keep u feeling positive and happy and focus on that.

i know u been suffering lately for different reasons, i have emailed you and u know im here if u need me matey.

hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-11-08, 23:01
Aw! Jennie. You have my total sympathy and I can totally relate. In the last two months I've had a constant round of being convinced I have some deadly disease, including: mole (1), cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the uterus, mole(2)--which had an abcess under it actually and is now gone, gastric cancer, colon cancer and today, breast pain.

As you can see a lot of gynea related and you wouldn't believe the symptoms I was having, including stuff you wouldn't think could possibly be induced by anxiety such as periods and discharge. In fact I got so bad I paid for a private ultrasound. Of course, once I stopped stressing the symptoms went away. :) ...

...only for me to instantly turn to my disgestive system, but that's a different story. :blush:

The mind is a wonderful thing until it seems to turn again you *sigh*

When I was at the doctors about my mole (on both occasions) I was told that they only start to really look at a mole if it changes to include several colours. They weren't even bothered by my saying it was itchy--which it was, and only goes to show that even that can be nothing as it was nothing more than an abcess and totally benign.

What I'm trying to say is that I do understand and sincerely hope that you are feeling better and more positive very soon.:hugs:

20-11-08, 00:06
Hugs I understand what your going through..if it wasn't Hiv, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, did I say cancer, ALS, NMD, etc. would what be NEXT. I've thought I've had all those..Well something REAL came up. I got a call from my obgyn and I have to have a biopsy on my cervix as I had a pap smear come back abnormal- abnormal enough for him to go in and check it out- You know the weird thing with all this is.."Im not worried about that", I have not one ounce of anxiety about the findings...Strange how when something really is wrong..You just get a peace about it and your not fearful. I found that in my hospice patients that were dying. Never were they "freaking" out..they were just peaceful. I think thats the bodies way and Gods way of us filtering out pain/emotions etc. so we can be at peace with whats to come.

Although I am not fearful of my biopsy, YEAH I hope its nothing- but I am just saying this is real..and for some reason Im not scared.


07-01-09, 11:20
Dear Jennie, I completely know how you feel. It's exhausting. Last year I found a black spot in the middle of a mole, had it checked (the one good thing about moles is they're easy to get instantly all-cleared) and it was fine. I was fine for about two days, then I focused on my bladder/prostate. That was OK, after a scare about a false positive red blood cell test, and I was fine for another few days. Then it was bowel cancer, and I've now been agonising about that for two years. I know exactly what you mean - it takes over your life. I find that even if I'm thinking about something else or talking to somebody, it's there at the back of my mind, like bad weather.

Got to find a way out of this.

07-01-09, 11:36
I had a mole removed as it had the classic signs of being dodgy, the colour had changed and was itchy also had been bleeding, I had my funeral and everything planned as was 100% sure it had spread. Got it off and everything was fine completely benign, he did say as we get older or moles can change. Also have had a really bad back causing excruciating leg pain, pins and needles and severe leg weakness , now that is really bad , was on morphine for it , definately cancerous tumour, got my MRI was freaking out at that plus waiting for the results was awful, 2cm disc bulge, plus other bulge but smaller as well and arthritis, requiring at the time immediate op so am waiting to see neuro guys on the 28th of this month but no tumour.
So although this damn HA makes us think the worst it doesn't always mean that it is , you take care and try not to worry xx