View Full Version : I am new - and an emetaphobic-my story!

19-11-08, 18:51
I first really noticed there was something wrong when I was 10 years old, or there abouts. It is awful. I suffer emetaphobia and I hate it. It is awful when your friends just do NOT UNDERSTAND! I'm sorry if I go on too much but I have to get this off my chest.:shrug:.

My main problem is others being sick around me, not that I might catch something or become ill myself but I go into shear panic. Although recently I have realised quite a few habits I do to stop myself feeling sick, I'll tell you about those later.

I need help, it is taking over my life:weep:. I am on a course of hypnotherapy at the moment, have had about 6 sessions so far, will be a long slog! I am only ok if I can be 98.9 % sure that someone around me is not going to be sick. I cannot go to clubs, pubs at night, long journet public transport, in a car with anyone who gets travel sick. And just had an experience from h*ll when on holiday this year.

Please feel free to write to me I just want to talk to someone who truely understands. Oh and my job is in the balance with my management because of it!! someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:scared15:

Bethan x

19-11-08, 19:17
Hi Bethan

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

I know there are many members here who suffer with the exact same thing.

Hope you get lots of support!


19-11-08, 21:11
hiya and welcome to nmp, im sure you will find lots of advice and support here and make new friends too. hugs xxxxxxx

21-11-08, 09:30
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:39
Hi there and welcome along to NMp

Pooh x