View Full Version : Major Health Concerns

19-11-08, 19:25
Hi, Ive been a member of this forum for a while now and unfortunately in the last 4 years i have been suffering from severe health anxiety.

Fear of heart attacks
Fear of Death
Fear of Passing Out

Those three things are probably my most common thoughts. Though i have seen my GP several times i've never been able to shake those thoughts.

I became agoraphobic due to the fears of any of these things happening to me, i became more anxious, more depressed, and more fearful that my time was soon to be over.

So i've began my own personal quest to rid myself of this debilitating disorder, i have began exposure therapy to conquer my agoraphobia, i have also began blogging my thoughts and fears, and upon reading back over them i am seeing how irrational they can be, when im in a calm state.
All of this is slowly improving me i feel.

I have been filming myself for the last month whilst trying to overcome all of these things, if you want to see how others react in times of crisis, or how hard it can be for others to carry out these simple everyday tasks, or if you want to see that if you really want something that much, you can make it.

Please check out my youtube page to see all my videos relating to anxiety disorders.


you can subscribe to my videos, i am updating them every couple of days, you wont be dissapointed.
any commments are most gratefully received, thanks for reading.


19-11-08, 22:00
Just watched your video...they are very educational to someone that doesn't suffer with agrophobia.
Your very brave doing this & inspiring to other in your disposition. xxx

19-11-08, 22:09
Hi Billy, love your vids - good luck with the face the fear therapy!