View Full Version : Im new here and ready to conquer

19-11-08, 21:15
Hi there, I am "slightlyobsessed" or you can call me Dee. I am new here and I am ready for a change. I was skeptical to mention what drew me here but w/out letting you all know then how can I get better right.
First of all a little quick history..I have always had a.d.d and super anxiety. I was professionally diagosed with A.D.D., Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and what some people like to say Somatization disorder (if there is such thing) but the mind is powerful. I am 28 years old and a mother of one child whom is currently 4 months old. I am in the process of a divorce unfortunately so naturally with a new baby under a lot of stress.
What braught me here- what came first the chicken or the egg?:shrug: I have what is called BFS and I am sure there ARE MANY ON THIS BOARD that are suffering from the same thing but I really shouldn't say suffer because I dont feel I am suffering as Im told its a benign condition. Being a hospice nurse I have TRULY seen people suffer. However the condition has totally panic stricken my life, cost me my marriage and relationships with alot of people not to mention missing out on so many things.
I guess its just soooo hard to believe all this caos going on with my body is benign and I am just to live with. I have been to the proper doctor (neurologist) had a EMG and all test normal. I am 11 months into this. I actually had it before in I want to say beginning of 07, January the 31st I braught it up to my GP in which he dismissed and I did to and it went away. To come back January 19th, 2008. This time I googled and well for those who know where that got me.
Anyhow, I am here to get over it and move on and get help with my anxiety in general. I KNOW I cannot stop the twitches, but I can get a hold of the anxiety. I hope with the help of people here. I think I already recongnize a few names. With BFS (benign fasciculation syndrome) you get over one thing and then its another- first it was just twitches, then percieved weakness, then now funny tongue zaps and yesterday I had my tongue tingle. Ofcourse I had a panic attack and it wasn't so nice. Right now I am on Adderall for a.d.d and don't flip out but 3mg. of Klonapin a day. Note: I dont always take my klonapin as prescribed especially if I want to lift a finger that day :roflmao: I am really looking forward to leaning on this site as well as helping others. I have ALWAYS been the one to help others and this time I think I need help.

God Bless.
Slightly Obsessed!

19-11-08, 21:21
hello there welcome to nmp, im sure u will find loads of great advice and support and u will meet lots of new friends too, hugs xxxxxxxx

21-11-08, 08:13
Hi. I'm new here too and have also just started with muscle twitches. As mentioned in my first post I have also been having muscle weakness (like my brain isn't sending the message through to my arms) which one doc has put down to fibromyalgia. However, I am wondering how much of it is down to anxiety - it obviously isn't helping. I just have to convince myself its not some incurable disease....why do we do that?

Hopefully, we will get some reassurance here and its good to know we are not on our own.

Hope you have a brighter day today.:blush:

21-11-08, 09:26
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:35
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x